Chapter 36 | Sorry

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|WARNING: this chapter might not end as you wanted nor expected.
Satan xoxo|

What happened later that night was unpredictable.

So unpredictable that she panicked. She had no idea this was going to happen tonight.

But he was right there. He was laying next to her on their bed, an idiot smile spread on his face, and she couldn't help but wonder why on earth wouldn't now be a good time for it?

And with that she reached for his shoulders, supporting herself upper so she could face him.

She stared at those sea green eyes of his. His pupil dilating and she wasn't sure if it was because it was dark in the room or because he had realized her intentions. She's always heard about pupils dilating when people see something they like, something they desire.

He circled his strong arms around her and she relaxed when her lips finally met his.

She could feel his confusion, his unease with her lips, because he didn't know how far she wanted to go with this kiss.

She pressed further, her lips trying to transmit what she wanted.

He breathed out with a moan, warming air slightly against her freckled cheeks and he brought his cold hands to her back.

"Steamy aren't we, today?" he teased her, pulling away from her lips to breathe, and especially to not do something she didn't want.

She laughed and hid her face on his neck, embaressement filling her cheeks of redness.

"I wanna do it." she said lowly, only the sound of their deep breaths in the dark room.

"No proper date?" he said chuckling.

"We have time for that."

"Are you sure?" he asked.


He smiled, cupping her cheeks to kiss her again. He couldn't get enough for her.

"Hum- let me just- condom." he said getting up to go to the bathroom, in his way turning on the lights.

Jen let her head fall on her pillow and took a deep breath.

He came back, nothing really in his hands, probably in his pocket, but she didn't dare to ask.

He slid on the bed, his body covering hers on top. He started kissing her everywhere, touching and leaving her skin in quick motion. Going down for her heated neck's skin and she actually laughed because it felt like tickles.

He then slowed down, going back to her lips and staying there.

"You're not going to turn off the lights?" she asked.

"You want the lights off?"


"I... I wanted to see you."

She looked at him without knowing what to say.
She wanted to feel comfortable. She didn't want him to see her inappropriate underwear that she had randomly chosen to wear that day.
She didn't want him to see her face when she'd finally come. She didn't want him to see her fear, her nerves.

And exactly the opposite, he wanted to see her.
It was her first time, he wanted to see what she liked, what she wanted, what she was feeling.

"I- Okay then. It's ok-" she regretted.

"No, no. I'll turn" them off."

But he understood her, so he got up and turned them off, only the light coming from outside of the window iluminating them.

When he came back to her, he felt her different. She wasn't as confident as she was seconds ago. Even in the darkness he could feel that.

"Relax, sweetheart."

She nodded and welcomed his lips to hers once again.

"You're cold." he said lowly to her, as he sneaked his hands underneath her sleeping sweater.

"Sorry." she said breathing fast.

"Jen." he brought his hand to her cheek. She was sorry of being cold. She was damn nervous. "Jennifer, we have all night. I'm not going to do it now." he said rubbing her stomach. "Don't think, feel."

She nodded and calmed herself down, and she actually smiled. He wanted so badly to make her enjoy this.

He sat up on her and grabbed her elbows to make her seat too.
He brought his hands under her shirt again, feeling her creamy skin. She was so damn thin, so perfect.
Even too perfect. Flaws that he has yet to see. Both inside and out.

She grabbed the hem and pulled the shirt above her head.

He couldn't see much, but the city lights were enough to see her curves.

He placed his hands on her bare shoulders, sliding down on her arms and also bringing her bra strap down, although not taking it off.

He placed his arms around her, letting her cheek fall on his still covered chest and used his hands to unclasp her bra, letting it fall on her lap.

"You're beautiful, Jennifer." he whispered to her ear, making her smile.

He too took off his shirt and she noticed that his body had changed since that time they went to the beach together.

"Surprised? You make me fat Jennifer Morrison." he said in a mocking tone making her blurting out laughing really loudly. "You make me wanna spend time with you instead of going to the gym."

"Well that is not my fault. And I don't mind at all you trading your gym for me."

"Good." he said and laid her back down, his body still on top of hers.

She could feel how badly he wanted this. Literally.

He kept kissing her, because she knew that part was coming.

"Colin." she called for him for the second time, really lowly, and that's when he stopped kissing her and noticed how nervous she had gotten. "I wanna be on top."

He looked at her, confused.

"I-I wanna be on control."

"You trust me Jen, right?"

"I do but-" she stopped talking because she didn't know what she was going to say. "I can't" She was starting to hyperventilate when she sat up and turned on the lights.

She got up and grabbed her fallen bra, quickly putting it on while Colin just watched her.

He couldn't believe she was doing this to him.

"Jen what are you doing?"

"I-I'm sorry." she said putting on her shirt.

|Don't worry, next chapter you'll understand why she stopped and what really happened.
Okay maybe you should worry because next chapter won't be good.|

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