Chapter 14 | Arriving

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| ahh guys I thought I had already written this chapter but af just never mind sorry for taking so long to update this.|

It was half past 4pm when Jen came out of her room and Colin was heading down to her floor.

"Hey. How was your day?" Jen asked as she closed her hotel room door.

"I slept all day." he shrugged and dove his hands in his jean's pockets.

"You weren't the only one." she laughed. "It's good to have a day to relax. No shooting." she continued as they walked to the elevator.

"Yeah I've been exhausted."

They had planned Colin would drive her to the concert, since they kinda lived in the same place.

"Are you going to that photo shoot this weekend?" he asked and then noticed her mind wasn't here.


"The photo shoot. The one you talked about last weekend? Are you going?"

"Oh.. ah yeah. I talked with my mom," she sighed before continuing. "she said she understood and next weekend I'll go to New York."

He seemed disappointed with her answer and Jen noticed that.

Of course he was disappointed. That bloody woman didn't take anytime to herself, to enjoy life. She always put her career first and Colin loved that in her, but at the same time, it worried him.

Once they were in the car, she buckled her seat belt and switched on her iPhone.

"Do you mind if we stop here for a while? I wanted to buy some flowers." he said after driving for some time.

"Sure." Who would he give these flowers to? That curiosity was killing her inside while he climbed off the car to the small flowers shop on the other side of the street.

He was back before she even noticed holding a bunch of orchids.

He got in the car without saying anything and placed them on the back seat.

"Orchids.  Just like in the videoclip. Christina Perri, am I right?" she smirked.

He let out a small laugh. "Correct, Jennifer Morrison."

"You really know how to charm a girl." she said and it was the last thing they said before they were there, at PNE.

Jen had only been there once when she went to shoot her last scene with Michael Raymond-James at the fair. But it was dark and no one was actually there.
At day it was a lot different.

You could see the high swing above our heads, people laughing and eating popcorn and cotton candy.

"We'll have some fun here after the concert." Colin said as they walked towards the PNE amphitheatre arm in arm.

She just laughed and rolled her eyes. He was indeed a 5-year-old kid.

We headed to the VIP section and we soon enough found Bex and Emilie there talking.

"Hey guys."

"Hey! You two came early." Jen said and greeted them and so did Colin.

"Have you seen Christina?"

"Yes! Oh God you should have seen her. Her reaction when she saw us was so adorable." Bex said and Emilie just started laughing remembering the previous moments.

That woman was indeed a fangirl.

Colin just chuckled. "Okay, maybe you could stay here? I'll look for her." he said after placing his hand on Jen's shoulder.

"Sure." Jen said.

He gave a smile and walked away.

"Jennifer I have some news." Emilie said once he left and Rebecca just smiled.


"Oh my god, that's amazing." Lana said before hugging Emilie.

Emilie had told us now that she was pregnant. She had talked with Adam and Eddy about it, and they would try to make Belle pregnant too. They planed on not telling people right away.
They would wait some time until they were certain of this, and they could announce Belle's pregnancy all at once.

Colin had enventually came back, now without his flowers. He said he had found Christina getting ready at the backstage and she would come here in a few minutes to finally meet Jen and eventually Lana, Fred, Sinqua and Liam who had just arrived.

"Hi!" Suddenly they all heard a very feminine voice behind them. "Oh my god."

"Hi..." Jen innocently said blushing a little.

Christina's facial expression was precious. She just couldn't believe we were all here.

"Okay can I hug you?" Jen said laughing.

"Oh God yes! Sorry about the shock." Christina said as they hugged her.

| I was writing this chapter when my mom came in my bedroom crying.

I'm sorry but I can't write anymore today.

Hope you understand.|

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