ONE-SHOT|Comic Con 2016

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Surprised to see me here?
Last time you saw me here was in March. And still, many people keep texting me about Comic Con. That, supposedly, Colifer is going to happen today.

The thought makes me cry and squeal and oh so many things, but more importantly, it makes me proud.
My fanfiction stick in your head.
You still remember about it, about today.

To thank you all, I decided to write a one-shot of this day based on this pic that was the first thing I saw when I woke up and I just couldn't stop staring at it and crying over it.

To thank you all, I decided to write a one-shot of this day based on this pic that was the first thing I saw when I woke up and I just couldn't stop staring at it and crying over it

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I love you all.


He patted at her hat when she was distracted with a magazine.


"It's sunny here though. I should have brought mine." He mocked her and she just rolled her eyes.

"This is for when I fall asleep so no one has to see my beautiful face when I'm snoring."

"Beautiful? You sure?"

She slapped the magazine at him after that.

The little ring that we could take our seat belts off sounded in the private jet and she did exactly that.
They had sat with the corridor between them so that Josh would go next to Colin and it wouldn't make him feel alone. Jen had insisted.

"Much better." Colin mumbled when the plane just stabilized, and the pain in his ears came to a end.

Josh got up to go to the bathroom and passed between them, teasing Colin in the process.

"The ears again?" She asked concerned.

"Yeah, this is a nightmare."

She looked at him adorably and leaned in to give him a peck on the cheek.

"Guys we should take a picture." Jen suggested when she heard Josh coming back.

They all chuckled at that and Jen pulled out her phone.

Josh stood in the middle of them, on his feet. Colin and her tilted their heads to each other and click! The holy trinity!

"You guys trying to kill'em so when you actually tell'em the news, they'll already be dead?"

"Yeah kind of my plan." Jen says and they laughed.

She posted the pic on instagram.
(Jets have wifi, well at least this one has)

The three amigos are on their way. #onceuponatime @comicconsandiegoofficial #comiccon

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