Chapter 29 | Really?

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It was around 1pm when Colin arrived on set with Evan in his arms.
He soon spotted Jen talking with Ginny in front of her trailer's door.
A smile spread on her face like he's never seen.

| 10 minutes before: |

"Ginny I got news. We need to talk."

"You're running another project?"

"I actually am, but no that's not it."

"You were casted to a film? A new tv show? You're giving an int-"

"No. You know my life is not all about work."

She gave her an actually-you-are look and Jen just rolled her eyes.
It was the truth. Whenever Jen had news, it was about Warning Labels. Or the new interview she was doing that weekend. Just work.
But today, she was going to tell her about Colin.

She needed someone. She just couldn't handle it for herself.
She had to tell this to her old friend.

"There's something going on between us."


"No- I mean... Colin."

"What- Are you serious?"

"We don't know yet-"

"Wait you two are a thing?!"

Seriously? I thought we had already gotten to that part. Jen thought and sighed.

"Ginny..." She shrugged. Ginny wasn't helping. "I-I don't know what's happening with us."

"Well if I weren't me, I would warn you and tell you to be careful. It's really easy to confuse your character's feelings with you really feel." She said and I spotted behind her Colin arriving with Evan. "But, you're talking with Ginnifer Goodwin. And that's exactly what happened to me."

"Right..." Jen said, her mind more concentrated in the sight of Colin coming to them.

"But go for it. Colin's a great guy. We all know that. Aaand then we can all double-date."

"For God's sake, Ginny." she said and then slightly laughed.

Colin gave her a smile and a wave of his hand and turned to the left towards his cabin. Thank God. Who knows what Ginny was up to if they ended up talking together.

Ginny noticed her gaze on something behind her back and turned around to still catch of Colin entering his trailer before he's gone and turned back to Jen to see the smile spread on her face.

"You're melting for him."

"I am not! Stop that..."

"Hey... It's a good thing. You need it in your life Jen. It's time." The both of them went inside Ginny's trailer and she gave Jen a glass of water. "When are you thinking on telling this?"

"I-I don't know... They will think Colin broke up with Helen because of me... which is kinda the truth of what happened."

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