Chapter 19 | Emotion on Youtube

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She was still locked on her phone when she looked up to see Helen and Colin right in front of her.

"Oh my gosh! Helen?!" They quickly hugged with smiles on their faces. "How are you here?!"

"I decided to surprise this little guy here." She said after pulling away and Colin just chuckled.

"You brought Evan too?"

"Oh yes. He's in the car."

"Good. It's ah... good to see you here." Jen kept smiling. "I presume you're going to Ginny's now? Josh called me and invited me for din-"

"Actually we're going out. To our favorite restaurant..." Actually just yours, thought Colin. "To celebrate this special occasion."

Jen simply nodded and looked at Colin.
He was so silent but still, she knew a lot of thoughts were now going through his mind.

"Okay then... I guess I'll see you guys around?"

"Yeah, I'll call you later. I wanna know about that photoshoot." Colin finally spoke.

"Yeah... Sure." Her smile widened.

"See ya."


He finally was able to go to youtube to watch Jen's interview for Allure.

Helen was taking a shower and Colin didn't have anything to do.

Also, his son was back in his arms.
He seemed really happy and he actually recognized his father after these long months, unlike Colin had thought.

He was currently sitting on his father's lap, his back laid on his chest. A comfortable paternal warmth that he loved and the iPad on their laps as Colin pressed play.

Love for a better Home

Those words appeared on the white screen with a funny background music.

"Love makes us happy."
Suddenly Jen appeared and his heart melted.

"Daidí, Jen! Jen!" Evan almost shouted when he saw her.
Gods she was beautiful.
And her words... Her words were screaming to his heart.

"Love is caring." Jordana Brewster appeared after her.

"Love is... not being alone." Emma Watson appeared laughing.

"Love is being always there for the other." Another woman that Colin couldn't recognize appeared.

Suddenly Jen appeared laughing and the other women also smiling and doing silly things appeared in some kind of introduction with bloopers scene.

What's family for you? Appeared on another white screen.

"The fact that my parents were teachers at my school had its pros and cons." Jen appeared and she was just so light.

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