Chapter 31 | Bringing Ashley Home

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| Reminder of this post ^ bc it will appear in this chapter and just telling ya I will jump some time in this chapter.


so yeah
Satan finally updated.|

"He's asleep." Colin came to Jen who had come back to the kitchen while Colin was building a bridge made of legos with Evan, trying to make him smile.

Turning off the water and drying her hands, she turned around and looked at him, giving a small smile.

"He'll be fine. He's just confused." Colin said trying to reassure her.

Jen nodded, her eyes more concerned on drying the dishes.

"Hey... Come to bed with me." He said lowly to her ear.
She just smiled and chuckled.
"I will. Let me just finish these."

He sighed and nodded leaving her, although 3 seconds after there he was. "Go get your pajamas, I'll finish them."

She nodded and gave him a peck on his cheek, turning around to go to her bag.

"Tired?" He asked her, his voice tender with sleep.

"A bit." She buried her face in his neck, inhaling his scent,

"You know, I found out this hotel TV has the films renting thing. Wanna watch something?"

She nodded and groaned, pulling away to level up her pillow and reaching to his nightstand, her body completely across on his, and her hand finally grabbing the TV remote. He just laughed at her position.

"What do you suggest?" She said back on her bed's side and scrolling up and down the VideoClub.

"Bringing Ashley Home."

"What?!" she said and blurted out laughing. "We are not going to watch myself."

"Come on, I haven't watched it. And yes we are going to watch you- I wanna watch you."

"Noooooooo" she tried to take the remote from him while he was typing the film's name but she failed miserably, starting a cute fight between the two, where tickles were involved. Many tickles.

"Give me-" and she grabbed his wrist - "the" - her legs around his waist- "damn remote!"

And right when she thought she was winning, that she was on top of him, he rolled over.

"Don't think so."

She was still trying to catch her breath when he turned his torso around to the TV and clicked on "Watch". She let her arms fall on the bed abruptly and sighed as the 20th Century Fox commercial was starting.

"We just paid to rent this. Now we are going to watch it." he smirked as he rolled off from her body and she just rolled her eyes.

At the start of the film, she stayed away from him, trying to make him think she was angry at him, but only when she appeared on the screen she couldn't resist the smile spread on his face, his eyes locked on the television and she just let her arms around his stomach, her head upon his shoulder.

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