Chapter 35 | Tell them

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BAsically this chapter will be Adam and Eddy knowing about their relationship.

It's boring but I hope you enjoy it.

Don't forget to comment while you read it. ;) |"Let's go get ready to go and then we go to Adam's office, okay?"

"Hum hum"

They were getting off the truck now that had taken them to the new Emma's house and they had just arrived to the studios.

It was raining like hell and luckily Jen had an umbrella.
Women. Always responsible.

They walked throughout the trailers' corridor and stopped at his.
She didn't want to go. She didn't want to leave him.
Because Jesse could be somewhere here.
He could even still be waiting for her at her trailer.

But she didn't want to tell Colin. She didn't want to worry him for her childish fears.
She was strong. She could do this. She could take care of it.

"What love?"

"Hum? Nothing." She was motionless in front of his trailer's door, watching him getting in. "See ya."

He nodded and climbed down the small stairs to her just to kiss her and that made her smile. He went back into his trailer and she was already walking to hers.

When she turned to the right, to her trailer's corridor she could see no one was there. At least, in front of her trailer.

She smiled. He gave up waiting. As usual.

She chuckled at the thought.
She walked in her trailer and took off Emma's clothes.



"We..." Colin started but he just started laughing of how awkward the moment was, followed by Jen's laugh.

"Do you prefer to wait until Adam arrives?" Eddy asked since Adam had spent the day with his family and would only come at night so they could start thinking on the scripts for the season 5B episodes.

Colin looked at Jen to see what she preferred, but there was no need because in that moment Adam came in talking on the phone with a starbucks on his other hand.

"No. I was thinking on something dark? Maybe with flames? Fire. I like the fire idea." He said to the phone and waved to the three of them.

Eddy automatically knew what he was talking about. The season 5B promo pic. They had planned on putting Colin as the main character in this half-season.

"Yeah great. I'll call you later Phils. Jen and Colin are here, I gotta go."

"Hi Phiiiiil" Jen said loudly enough for him to hear.

Jen had met Phil in the Season 5 premiere party and surprisingly they had talked a lot.

"So?" Adam said once he locked his phone and sat on his office's couch next to Eddy.

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