Chapter 34 | Laugh

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because it's an importante scene and I wanted time to write it and think through it.

I gotta admit, I still have LOTS of doubts of who will take Jen's virginity.
Because if it's colin... it will be like all fanfics. I WANNA BE DIFFERENT FROM THE OTHERS

pls comment what do you guys think about it^

Note: I know people are saying that cs will only reunite in Labor of Love 5x13 but remembre that I decided they'd have their first time in the first chapter of this ff and I started writing this fanfic like before season 5 even started so THIS IS JUST A FANFIC|

"Ok sorry! Sorry! I'm ready." she kept saying.

It was the third time she couldn't make it. She just started laughing in his face due to how awkward the scene was. No... Not really the scene, but the fact that he kept smirking to her.

"Okay I can do this, this time."

"You just wanna see me shirtless." he mumbled to her, trying not to make the others to hear him, putting back on his shirt.

"Well I'm sorry if you can't stop smirking to me. I see that laugh hidden in your face and then that makes me laugh! It's not my fault!"


It always started in a serious tone, but when the action really began, she would laugh.

"You feel it too?" he said, his fingers caressing her hair.

"What?" she said lowly, looking up at his eyes giving her a desire to laugh again right then.

"Your heart." he was reffering to the half of her heart that was in his chest now. She chuckled, not really knowing what he meant. "It's like I can almost know what you want right now." he continued.

"Onion rings."

He gave her a quick laugh and pulling her tighter, pulling her body on top of his. "We both know that's not it."

She gave him a look before burying her face on his warming neck like the scripts told her to.
She could breathe in his smell so intensely on his neck. It was like people's scents were always more accurate on their necks.
She chuckled with the thought. But it's true. She had already noticed that with her baby niece Ellie.

The thought that this was the forth time they were acting exactly the same made her want to laugh.

Everything made her want to laugh. Even the fact that Jesse was probably outside made her wanna laugh.

She recovered herself before pulling up her head like the scripts told her to.

She couldn't laugh again.

"I still can't believe you're here." he swallowed hard.

Right. Because in this episode, Emma and Killian reunite in the underworld. The city was exactly the same but pink-toned. But for that they would use the computer effects.

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