Chapter 4 | A New Home

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We walked in the room after we left Ava in my trailer on set with her dog food. Colin had told me that the hotel didn't let dogs in.

I tried to tell him that I could sleep in there with Ava.
I told him about Helen.
I told him I didn't want Ava to be alone.
I told him tomorrow we'd be shooting so I could sleep there.
I tried everything but he insisted and didn't let me stay there.

He was pity.

He took my bag from my hands and put it on the desk.
He looked at me and he said nothing.
Still with that pity face.

"Stop looking at me like that."


"That pity face! Just stop. I don't want you looking at me like that."

"I'm sorry.. I just..." He sighed. "You hungry?"

"It's 4 in the morning. Where do you wanna go?" I laughed.

"Well I've got food here." I looked to my right and remembered the hotel room had a mini kitchen.

"Yeah but quick. Tomorrow we need to wake up at 8 and I still want to sleep." I laughed and went to my bag as he prepared everything in the kitchen.

"Okay so I have some cake... that I bought after I left you at home. It's... ah... orange cake! Do you like it?"

"Yeah it's perfect. Thank you."

"Okay I'll make some hot cocoa since coffee at this time might be a bad idea."

I took my pajamas from the bag and walked to him.

"I... I'm gonna change in the bathroom?"

"Yeah of course, sure."

I opened the bathroom's door that was right behind him and got in.

I quickly changed myself and when I came back I found everything already ready in the small table next to the bed.

I sat on the wooden chair and he brought napkins.

"So what did you think of the scripts for the premiere?" he finally spoke up.

"I think it's amazing. I mean this season is gonna be amazing."

"Yeah... Adam told me we are getting the next scripts next week."

"What? So fast?" I said with a grin.

"I know right."

I took a bite in the cake.

"Hummm!" I laughed and it made him laugh too.


She was beautiful, flawless.

"You know Jesse is an asshole."
She looked at me and put down the glass of cocoa on the table.

"I know..." She breathed and looked down.

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