Chapter 39 | It Would Never Happen Again

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I love love love this chap's title. It's like the opposite of this fanfic's name.

Don't forget to comment and please read my AN at the end of the chap|

She silently walked in using her own key card for his room and was surprised to find him asleep on the bed.

What did she think? That she'd just disappear for one night and he'd stay awake and worried sick waiting for her to come back?

With a sigh of relief - she really didn't want to talk to him about it now - she placed her bag and things on the table and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

She really didn't want to wake him up, she didn't know how to. It would be like "Hey I cheated on you but good morning!". So she knew the water noise would wake him up.

It happened as she thought. He woke up confused.

He had fallen asleep waiting for her.

The water was still running and he decided to just seat on the bed and wait for her to come out.

Five minutes later of entertaining himself scrolling down twitter, the water finally stopped running and she came out, wet hair and a towel the only thing covering her body.

She just turned off the lights, already noticing his presence, and stayed right there looking down to the floor without knowing how to start.

"I-I'm not mad at you." he broke off the silence.

Her eyes moved to him and suddenly she felt the need to cry. Because that would make him hold her, making him comfort her, and that was exactly what she needed.
But she didn't.

"You should. I screwed up."

He swallowed. Of course he had already wondered what she could possibly be doing in the night away from him.

So she decided to just say it.

"I did it with Geoff."

And then she realized she would never ever feel his arms around her again.
She realized that it would never happen again.

He didn't remember at first who Geoff was, though he was still processing what she had just said before his name.

"I can't believe this." he said lowly and the room went back to silence before he spoke again. "I divorced the mother of my son for you Jen."

And that hit her. She had never realized what she had just done.

At that time, in her head it had always been like she just had screwed up another relationship and she'd have to deal with months of recover.
Then she remembered. This time it was her who hurt him.
Not the other way around.

And she wondered in that exact moment after he spoke, how could some men do this to their women? Because she did it too. And she felt so fucking bad.
Her heart broke, like she could actually feel it breaking. The intense pshychologist pain in her chest turned physical.

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