Chapter 25 | Car drive

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"This..." She said after a 47 seconds kiss. "You're using me."

"What?" He breathed still not sure if that kiss was real, if she was real.

"You... You keep doing this. You're trying to get me to bed with you."

"What? Jen, no-"

"I'm not a toy! Don't think you're stronger than me, you're not getting away with me."

"Jen hey stop." He grabbed her arm.

"Open the door."

She was trying to open the door but his arm pushing the door was stronger.

"Open the damn door!" She yelled.

"I'd never ever do that to you. Never. Jen talk to me."

"You are drunk." She said shaking her head. It was pointless to keep trying to open the door.

"I am." He chuckled.

"Go away."

"I'm sorry...." She tries again to open the door. "Just don't go."

"You just kissed me."

"Is it that bad to see us that way?"

"No. It is bad to see you playing with my feelings."

"I am not-" he stopped. He didn't know what he was going to say.

Was he really playing with her feelings?
He didn't want that.
He really didn't want that.

But he didn't know what he was feeling and why the hell he was doing that.
He was drunk. That's a statement.

The thing here was... He had been wishing for this every time.

"You're my friend Jen. You're really important to me. Don't let this drunk bastard ruin that."

"I'm trying hard to keep this, us but- you keep doing this."

"I think I have feelings for you."

"What? No..." Her disappointment spread all over face broke his heart. And he couldn't handle it.

"Jen... please. I don't know what to do now."

"You are not supposed to do that! You are not supposed to put me in this position! Colin what we have is just fiction!" She started yelling at him, anger filling her.

This was unfair.
She didn't deserve this.

Another co-worker who had fallen for her.
Another man who wanted more than she could offer.

But why was she feeling so attacked like this?
She felt the same for him. That's why.


"Open the damn door!"

And he did.


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