Chapter 26 | Tickles

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"I'll just be happy knowing that-that you have one. Aah!"

He closed his eyes.

"That's not enough for me!" Even she was impressed with her own acting skills. She knew that scene was going to be amazing.
All the emotions together, the fictional ones... And the reality ones.

She raised the sword above him, letting the tears roll down her cheeks, pain all over her face.

"Okay cut." The man said. Colin finally  opened his eyes and sat up on the fake grass. Jen wiped away her tears with her fingers and Ginny who had been watching the whole scene behind the camera just laughed at her and she laughed back.
"Now go change Jennifer." The assistant said and Jen just walked out.

She was going to change to Dark Swan, because this was exactly the scene she turned dark.
She was upset though. She loved Emma's new Camelot gowns. They were beautiful and pretty warming.

"Glad to see you finally on track." Josh patted Colin's back.
"Yeah... Thank you, Josh."

"Have you talked to her?" He knew when Ginny asked this that she was referring to Helen.
"I tried.. Yes... But ah... Jen... She helped me. She talked to her and... Evan is coming next week to spend the week with me."

"Really?! That's great!"

"Yeah... That sort of helped me through this."

"But she hasn't talked to you?" Josh asked.

"No... And I completely understand her. I wasn't myself the last week. I'd have never trusted Evan to someone drunk like that."

"Colin go change too." The man that passed by them said.

"Before you ask, I don't intend to go back to Helen. And as you see, I'm sober. I know what I'm saying. I'm really deciding this."

Josh just sighed and nodded. Ginny gave him a sad smile and he walked out to his trailer.

He got dressed to his new character statement. The dark!Hook wardrobe wasn't that complex though, it was easy to put on.
He then walked to the make-up trailer, where Jen would probably already be.

When he arrived he was surprised to see Jen holding a fluffy teddy bear and sleeping with her headphones on while Tea, Debs and Kris were preparing her hair.

"She fell asleep?" he said as he sat on the chair next to her.

"Yeah she's exhausted. Poor Jennifer." Debs said as she walked to Colin's back.

Colin turned around his swinging chair to the right to watch her sleeping self and also to talk with Tea and Kris.

"Eduardo told us to use a lot of dark on you." Debs said and chuckled.

"Even more?"


He kept staring at her.

She looked so peaceful.
The way her lips just seemed to relax in a pure smile.
The way her cheeks got rosy and he could tell from distance that she was really warming.
The way she placed her hands, he could see (not feel yet) her soft skin.

And then, he wondered... What would it be like to wake up next to this?
Have someone ever had the luck to wake up and see this angel? To feel this angel?

"You wanna sleep too?" Kris teased and just laughed.
"Well you can't stop looking at her."

I shrugged and turned around to my mirror.
When Debs turned on my hairdryer I heard Jen groaning and moving with the noise.
But she stayed like that. Still sleeping.

"Jen..." Suddenly Tea tried to wake her up.
"She sleeps like a rock." Kris added.

Debs finally stopped my hairdryer and went to them to help them wake her up.
He rolled his chair to her.

"That's way too much pressure." He chuckled.
"Yeah I would't like to wake up like that." Debs commented.
Indeed. We were all surrounding her.

"Wake your Swan up, Captain." Tea teased me.
"True Love's kiss." Debs added.
"Very funny." He said and relaxed his back against his own chair.

Wouldn't he like it...

"Jen..." Kris tried to wake her up again.
"Make an alarm go off" Debs chuckled.

"Wait! Don't wake her up yet! Let me take a picture."

"Poor her." Colin just sighed and laughed.
"She's a cutie."

As they were taking the picture, Josh came in to get ready for his next scene too.

"Jen's sleeping again?" Josh chuckled.


"She always do that."
"That woman needs a break."
"Indeed." Josh sighed and sat down on the chair next to Colin.

"Colin go wake her up for her own sake." Josh said and patted his shoulder.

He sighed and got up walking to her.

It was incredible how she hasn't waken up with all the noise in the room.


"She's late for the scene, you know?" Josh said. "And so are you."

She wasn't waking up. Not because of her impressive skill to turn off the world. But because he didn't have the courage to do touch her.
Would she be mad at him?
After all that had happened?

"I've got another idea."
And then it hit him. Tickling.

He carefully took off her headphones and placed her phone and bear on the table.
He knew she'd never get mad at him for tickling her because they used to do it all the time, specially in season 3.

He started tickling her.
"Here we go again." Josh sighed with a smile remembering the old times that they would laugh non-stop and they would have to wait for them to come back to reality.

"God. God. Stop!" Jen seemed mad at first. Who wouldn't be mad...
But when she opened her eyes and she started hearing Colin's small laughs she couldn't help but smile too.
Josh couldn't just stay there looking at them and do nothing. He had to help him.

"God Colin! Josh! Ahh- God!!! Stop now!!!" She couldn't stop laughing and it was getting hard to breathe.
She sat up, bringing her feet that were once on the top of the table to the floor.

"You dorks!" She said with a smile when they finally let her go.
"Next time Jen will make sure she doesn't fall asleep here."

"Prepare yourselves for a future pay-back." She said while they all walked out to their next scenes.

|sorry I'm the dork one here bc I HAVENT UPDATED IN 6 DAYS FUUU

And this chapter sucks af|

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