Chapter 16 | Atmosphere

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"Atmosphere... Interesting." Colin read the bold letters and turned around to face Jen smirking to her.

"I'm not going on that thing... Nor Emilie right? She's pregnant! I'll stay here with her."

"Actually..." Emilie turned around facing them. "I was planning on going. I mean I'm only 3 weeks and this is a one time thing right? You should enjoy this."

"No thanks..." She mumbled and sighed looking away.

"Come on Jen, we won't let you fall." Fred said with a slight laugh.

"I'll help with the hot dogs." Jen said and before Colin could say anything she walked away.

Jen knew herself. And she knew she couldn't do it.
She was always going to DisneyWorld with her family, gods how her niece loved it there, but she was always had this fear of heights.

Colin was left alone with Fred and Emilie. Well he wasn't alone at all, but he felt like it without her.

Jen found the rest of the cast still at the giant hotdogs line while Colin and Emilie got themselves ready on the swing with Fred and Lana (who Fred had called to go on the swing next to him) at the seats behind.

Of course, they weren't as brave as they appeared to be.
They had to admit. That bloody thing was really high.

They started screaming and laughing nervously with excitement as the seats started to level.

"God I'm gonna regret this."


"You have no idea. You could see everything up there. It was just amazing." Emilie said as she ate her hotdog.

"Oh honey almost forgot... What did you say up there?" Lana suddenly said, Fred looking at her in confusion. "Well you shouted something to me but I couldn't hear you because of the wind."

"Oh sweetheart I said I was going to throw up."

Everyone at the picnic table laughed as they enjoyed their hotdogs and talking about how nice Christina Perri was under the moon's light and the tents' lights.

"Don't think you won, Jen. You're still going on it with me tonight." Colin mumbled to her, no one not really hearing them.

"Keep dreaming."


"I'm your only drive home. So now... Shall we?"

Everyone had left the fair except Lana and Fred who were God knows where.

"Colin I am not going on that. I am not. I just can't, and I won't."

"Don't let the fear speak louder than you." he said and she just looked up at him with a "seriously? Now you're a poetic too?" look. "If you don't go now, you're going to regret it forever. Don't think about the height, think about how beautiful it will look up there, with the stars, the moon, the fair lights-"


"I'll go with you. You don't even need to open your eyes. I just..." he shrugged. "Gods Jen I just don't want you to regret this later so please I'm begging you to come with me."

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