Chapter 9 | OUAT and Cuddles

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He was her best friend. The only one who truly knew her. He didn't judge her. She could trust him. And she loved him for that.

"Jen go to sleep. You can use the same bedroom that you used last year." Ginny said as they walked to the kitchen.

"Thanks but I'm gonna hang on a bit with caffeine." Jen said and Colin let go of her arm.
He sat at the stone watching her making coffee.

"Do you want it too?" Jen asked him.
He nodded half-asleep.

After a few minutes she gave him a cup.

"Okay I'm gonna sleep. You guys will be okay? Colin your bedroom is up the stairs next to ours. Josh left there your bags." Ginny explained.

"Yeah no problem." He said more busy drinking his coffee.

"Colin, sweetheart I'm waiting upstairs." He said and it made Jen laugh. "Bring your lingerie." He whispered loudly to his ear and Jen just rolled her eyes trying to contain her laughter.

"Now I see why people ship you two." Jen joined him at the stone.

"They prefer us together don't you think?" He teased.

She quickly blushed.
Luckily she had her coffee to cover herself.

"Did the police say anything more?" He picked the subject and Jen looked at him in the eyes.


"No news good news." He sighed.

"Well I'm here to have fun. I don't want to think about it." She forced a smile.

"Do you... ah... want to watch something on TV?" He asked and she nodded.

They awkwardly sat next to each other.

"I don't bite." He laughed pointing the space she gave between them.

"Look I know I'm married but Helen knows you. It's okay. She knows what we are." Actually Helen did know her but she didn't know how close they've became. How close he wanted to become.

"Come here." He said and she laughed laying on top of him.

"This is what couples do, Colin."

"We're friends. And we are doing it." he laughed and she felt his chest raising and falling.

They switched the channels to ABC and watched some boring stuff.
Jen found herself looking to everywhere but the TV and fortunately she found OUAT DVDs right under the television.

"Oh god what I just found!" She got up and grabbed the boxes. "Which season?"

"Hum I don't know I haven't rewatched the forth."

Jen carefully took off the DVD from the box and placed it in the DVD player.

She came back and before she lay down she looked at him asking for acceptance.

"Come on." He said and laughed.
She awkwardly lay down on top of him. Their whole bodies touching.

Colin was in control of the television. "Which episode?"

"I loved their first date..."

He chuckled and played the episode.

Minutes passed.
They laughed, awned and teased each other.
The end of their date came.

Do you want to... have some coffee with my parents, a newborn and a human ice maker?

"Oh god that's why they call it coffee!"

"What? Call what?" He paused and laughed at her cute enthusiasm.

"Sex. Colin." She blushed. "I was doing an Ask Jen when someone asked me what is the first thing I do everyday when I get to work and I casually said 'make some coffee'."

He couldn't stop laughing knowing how this story would end.

"Everyone was like-" she laughed before continuing. "whoah Jen you're on fire and I was like okay someone explain to me what's going on. Finally a girl nicely explained it to me."

Her head fell on his shoulder with so much laughing.
Their chests raising and falling quickly.
Her warming breath against his neck.

They managed themselves to stop laughing so they could watch the rest of the episode.

I guess we'll have to wait until next time.
Next time? I don't remember asking.
That's because it's my turn. Will you go out with me again?

The kiss came.
That was the weirdest feeling ever.
Watching them kissing when they both wanted to at the moment but they couldn't.

Colin noticed her smile growing.

Luckily the scene ended before he did something he'd surely regret.
Helen doesn't deserve this.
He needed to talk to her as soon as possible.

Suddenly right when Killian was about to punch Will, not Colin's, but Jen's phone rang with a notification. A text.

He paused and she reached her phone that was in her pocket.
God wasn't she beautiful.

"Jennifer?" He said when he saw her eyes opening with shock. "Was it him?! Again?"

She showed him the phone.

The police came today. You're gonna regret what you've just done.


I held her in my arms and we stayed like that for a while. In silence.
She was silent, in shock, like I've never seen before and I just hid her face with my arms around her.
"He can't get to you. Don't let him ruin our weekend." I whispered into her ear.

Maybe this was the wrong thing to do. Maybe this will just terribly end for her.

"If the police came to his house... That's good news right?"

"He's gonna kill me." Her voice broke and sobbed.
"No he's not."

She didn't say anything.
We stayed there for hours. It certainly felt like hours.

I noticed she had fallen asleep.
Her breath was heavy. Almost into a snore.
I smiled. Glad that she could at least have this peace in her life.

I brushed her golden hair.
I touched her white skin. Her red lips. They were so dried, so pure, so tempting.

And then I felt guilty.
I was sleeping with a woman.
And she wasn't my wife. The mother of my son. My Helen.

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