Chapter 15 | Fair

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| I'm back again dudes
So last chapter (you surely dont remember anything) jen and colin were on their way to CP's concert. They arrived and Jen finally met Christina. And I stopped there.

Remember that they only kissed that first time when Jen was drunk at the SDCC party and at Ginny and Josh's vacation house a while ago.
So right now their relationship is normal, a bit awkward and yeah well now CP's concert.|

"Oh my god this is really happening." Christina kept saying between sips of her drink.

"You know I've always loved your work. Never knew I'd ever meet you in person."

"Well I'm glad you're here now."

Both of the women nervously laughed holding their drinks.

"Well thank you again, Colin... For the flowers." She said and Jen just watched.

"You're welcome."

"Well I should go? It's time. Once again, thank you for coming." Christina said called a security to lead her to the backstages.

"She's kind." Jen said once she was gone.
Colin just chuckled and both were walking to where the rest of the cast was when a fan called them and asked if they could take a picture with her.

A phone rang. Jen's.
It was Josh asking how was everyone and how much they wanted to be there with them, but unfortunately Oliver got sick and they didn't want to leave the baby without his parents.

The concert started.
Christina's smile was brighter than ever.

Jen had to admit. Her voice was flawless.

The cast danced (more like in a funny way), they drank, they laughed between songs.
And the moment Jen was refilling her glass with wine, Christina talked.

"...and also I wanna dedicate this song tonight to CaptainSwan."

The public started screaming and Jen almost dropped her glass.

The piano played and Jen just stood there with a glass on her hand, in shock, looking at Colin who was smirking at her.

"M'lady..." He walked to her and she just shrugged. He held her glass and placed it on a near table. "I guess this song is ours."

"Colin what the hell..." She lowly said realizing what he was going to do.

He hugged her by her waist and she slowly placed her arms around his neck.

The cast looked at them with adorableness. Adam and Eddy in that exact moment realized how thankful they were for casting these two idiots whose connection was wordless.

People loved them together.
Even the famous Christina Perri loved them together.
But did they love to see themselves together?

Josh had always said to Ginny in secret that if it weren't Helen they would absolutely end up together.
Maybe it would go wrong, maybe not. But Ginny always said it was because Jen was needing that.

Of course, Helen was an angel in person.
They never wished her death.
But sometimes we realize the one is not who we think they are.

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