Chapter 8 | A Road Trip

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After that long day we went to our trailers to rest.
We were all going to shoot on set with the main cast.

Someone knocked on my door and I went to open it.
Josh, my love.

"Hey sweetheart wanna go to the beach next weekend?"
"In Vancouver? Do you want to freeze to death, love?"
"Ginny, Oliver and I are going to our summer house. I would die without my Colin for a weekend."
"I see."
"We'd go on friday at 6pm I know you're free at that time. And... It is a 3 hours trip, so prepare yourself and then...well, you get to know our lovely house."

"Okay sweetheart bring condoms so we can fuck all night." I laughed.
"Already in my purse, love."

He blew me a kiss and I closed the door.

My lovely dork.


"Ginny?" I opened the door. "Hey there." I smiled to Oliver that was in her arms.
"Jen! Glad you're here. I thought you had gone with Lana to the café."

"No... I was exhausted." I walked out the trailer.
"Josh and I are going to the summer house this weekend. Remember you were there last year?"
"Yeah yeah it was beautiful."
"Well we'd go on friday after work?"
"I'm only free at 8... Isn't it late to a long trip?"
"No it's perfectly fine. Look I just need you there. Colin is coming and I can't handle their romance alone."

I laughed. Jerks.

"Okay planned then."
Everything was better than staying here with Jesse.
"Thank you." She said and Josh came hugging her.

"Colin said yes. Colin said yes. Colin said yes." He sang and I couldn't stop laughing.


Friday finally came.
I couldn't feel better now knowing Jen was coming too.

Jen's a friend. A really good friend. And I love her for that.

Josh had brought his truck so we could go more comfortable.

It was half past 8 when I put my luggage in the back of the car. Jen came running breathless with her bag.

"Sorry guys we had to repeat the scene. Too much special effects."  She laughed and I grabbed her bag that was really heavy. Women.

"Thanks" she nervously smiled to me.

"It's okay Jennifer. We were still preparing things." Ginny said. "Could you just grab Oliver for a second?"

"Sure!" She said and soon he was in her arms. God I'm falling for her so hard.
I need to solve this with Helen.
I can't keep this any longer.

What the hell Colin she's your wife. You're just attracted to her beauty.

"Hey Oliver! How are you?" She said in a sweet voice. The lad couldn't help but laugh at her cute face.
She brought him to her back like a piggyback.

"Okay guys we're ready to go!" Josh said and closed the back door of the car.

"Wait! I need a photo!" Jen said and I smiled.

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