Chapter 28 | Idiot

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| I'm sooo sorry for the waiting and the fake updates but I rlly hate this new wattpad update bc I always click on Publish accidentaly.
So yeah to reward you all here you have 2 chapters in one.
+2k words yayyy|

They might have fallen asleep apart from each other but the same didn't happen when the sun sneaked out.

They were naturally cuddlers and being inches next to the person they love didn't help it.

Colin was the first one waking up.
He opened up his eyes and breathed in her scent.
Her leg was across his left one, he could feel her warmth.

More above, only their arms were making contact. They were pretty close from one another and his arm was upon hers.

He noticed their current position. How the hell did they end up like that.

Evan was still sleeping. After yesterday's night adventure he would surely stay asleep at least until midday.

"Jen." He whispered but of course she'd never wake up like that.
He sat up, supporting his weight on his elbows and looked at her.

And there was that face.
Her dried skin-colored lips, swollen due to her sleep.
Her rosy cheeks sprinkled with sparkles that she had once told him she's always had it since a little kid.

Her hair tangled to her back, spread on her pillow, showing him her bare neck. He wanted so badly to touch it and feel its warmth and softness.
The teddy bear pajamas. It was a light brown that pointed out her pale skin.

And then he approached to her. He lowered his head to reach her cheek and pressed a feather kiss.

He couldn't control it. His lips touched her skin, tracing delicate lines on her neck.
He leveled up and reached her earlobe, her hair line and then his hand interlaced with her hairs, his fingers brushing her messy gold hair as he stared at her closed eyelashes.

Suddenly they opened and he smiled.

"Sorry..." She said when she noticed her current position. "I'm such a terrible company to sleep."

He chuckled and pulled her close "Shut up and come here."

She smiled and did as he said.

"My mom is always telling me stories of when I was little and used to punch her with my legs and arms, everything while I slept."

"Hmmm... Embarassed to admit you're a cuddler."

"I am not."

"I do remember that interview of yours. A perfect guy must be a cuddler isn't it right, miss Morrison?"

"You still remember that... Don't mock meeee!"

"I'm not mocking you Jen." he grinned.

She wanted to ask him what the hell was going on between the two.
She didn't understand.
She really didn't understand.
But she was too afraid to ask.

That if she asked, this moment would end, reality would hit them and everything would go back to her loneliness.

"Jen... I like you. I really, really like you. You were probably what distracted me from Helen-"

It happened. | COLIFER FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now