Catherine is given to Boba Fett as Collateral to pay Damon's Debt

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Damon POV

"Damon aren't you done yet?"

"Not yet Sweetheart. I have a few more things to finish up before we can go enjoy ourselves."

"Can't you get that little brat of a Slave of yours to finish whatever your doing? I mean, if she can't do simple tasks why do you keep her around? You promised to take me to the pod races. I'm getting so board." My latest girlfriend whined for the millionth time causing Catherine to sigh and shake her head. I knew what she was thinking. This new girl friend of mine was such a drama queen.

I chuckled slightly upon hearing a hint of jealousy in my newest girlfriend's voice. It was obvious that she hate Catherine with a passion.

"It is true, that Cathrine is my Slave and normally she'd be doing this work however, this job is extremely time sensitive and I have specific instructions to be the only one dealing with the shipment and it's paperwork. Don't you fret my sweetheart. If your patient then I'll have a surprise for you when I'm done."

My girlfriend squeeled with glee. "Oh Damon what is it?"

"You'll just have to wait and see." I replied with a smile.

"I want to know now!" My girlfriend whined and proceeded to fold her arms and stomp her feet like a toddler. I smiled as I saw Catherine roll her eyes and try hard to block out her whining.

"Have a little patience Sweetheart. I'll be done shortly." I replied not looking up from my paperwork.

"You hate me." She whined.

I looked up at her in surprise. "I don't hate you."

My girlfriend stomped her feet and pouted fake tears staring to roll down her cheeks.
"Yes you do! You hate me! Why else would you make me wait?" My girlfriend whined.

"Oh bwotha." I heard Catherine mumble rolling her eyes and shanking her head once more. I glared at Catherine warning her to watch her attitude.

I walked over to my girlfriend to console her. "Shh. Sweetheart, don't cry." I replied wiping her tears away. "Of course I love you! This was supposed to be a surprise to make our date tonight special. However, I can see how upset this is making you and that just won't do. Here my love, may you enjoy this and wear it with pride." I replied handing her a small box.

Upon opening it my girlfriend wailed once more. "Now what?" Catherine grumbled under her breath her irritation with my girlfriend's lack of respect and appreciation for my gifts showing in her voice.

"It's the wrong one! This isn't the necklace you promised me, it's a cheep knock off. You promised to buy me the blue diamond necklace. I knew you didn't really love me! I mean look at it, that's not even a real gem. How can you say you love me when you buy me fake jewelry?" My girlfriend whined tossing the box on the floor. It slide across the floor.

"What a spoiled bwat." Catherine muttered as she continued to go about her chores.

"Excuse me? What was that you were muttering Slave?" My girlfriend demanded.

"Dat you is acting like a spoiled bwat. You should be thankful fowa the gifts my masta gibes you not whining that it's not what you wanted. That's just plain wude not to mention ungwateful. Me habe thought a lady like youself would have betta mannas." Catherine replies semi sarcastically. I stifle a chuckle of amusement.

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