Catherine meets Rey

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As soon as the ships took off Catherine raced off as fast as her legs could carry her. Why had she chosen to get involved? Why hadn't she left well enough alone? Her head swam with memories of the Empire, of storm troopers, and bounty hunters, of the evil Emperor and memories of her father, of Darth Vader. Memories that she had tried so hard to forget.

Why was this all happening again? A family torn apart, an evil trying to rule the galaxy and the only hope for the future lying with restoring balance to the force. Would this cycle ever end? Why did she have the feeling that it would all end in another heartbreak for her?

Should she contact her sister and tell her of Poe's capture? Of the loss of the map? Or should she walk away and forget ever getting involved? No it was too late for that she was already involved. She had to rescue Poe and retrieve the map. Yet, she had a feeling that it wasn't in the hands of that strange figure. Poe would have been smart he would have known that he would be captured and thus hidden the map to keep it safe. Hidden it where though? If Poe was anything like her sister he would have hidden to in plan sight like she had the Death Star plans. That's it, he hid it inside the BB8 droid but where had that droid wandered off too?

After searching for a while Catherine found a small town where scavengers came to trade for rations. As Catherine looked around she felt strangely at home. This place wasn't too different from her home planet of Tattooine.

As her tummy growled she realized that she was hungry and that she had already used all of her rations. She knew she would have to find something worth trading for if she wanted something to eat. Sighing she decided that she needed to find the person or alien in charge and see what they would trade for a food and water ration.

It didn't take her long to find the alien in charge. A rude grumpy looking creature named Unkar Plutt. "Excuse me, I need to know what I can exchange for a food and water ration."

"You want to know what?" Unkar replied with a laugh. "I don't have the time or patience to explain things to you. If you don't have something for trade then move along. Next!"

Catherine frowned and glared at Unkar as she was pushed aside. What was his problem? She had only asked a simple question.

A young girl in line saw her and after she had received her portions she walked over to Catherine. "Sorry about him, thats just the way Unkar is he never helps anyone. Your better off figuring things out on your own then wasting time trying to get him to assist you."

"I see, and who might you be?" Catherine asked.

"The name is Rey. I'd love to stay and chat but I have to get home." Rey replied.

Catherine nodded and sighed. This place truly was just like home.

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