Catherine faces the dark side of the force challenge.

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"I don't understand. What is he talking about? Is it true? Did my father murder Luke's father? Am I really just like my father? Will I too become a murderer someday?" Catherine asked turning towards Yoda with a look of confusion.

Yoda sighed "Time it is for you to face your first challenge." Yoda replied not answering her questions.

"Why are we here? I already know I must watch my anger or suffer Catherine's father's fate. What more could I possibly learn from this area of the Forrest?" Luke asked.

"Inside the Forrest Catherine must now go." Yoda replied.

"What will I find in there?" Catherine asked not sure she wanted to know the answers.

"Only what you bring with you." Catherine nodded and tightened her belt that held her blaster. "Your weapon, you will not need it."

"In my experience you never know when a blaster might come in handy. I've learned I should never leave home without it." Catherine replied.

Yoda nodded. "Understand your reasoning I do. In you must now go." Catherine nodded and walked into the strange forest area that was surrounded by the dark side of force. Surprisingly Catherine felt quite at home in this section of the planet.

"Master Yoda can I ask you something? Why are you training her? I'm sure the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Luke retorted.

"To this conclusion what brings you?"
Yoda asked in both curiosity and semi amusement.

"I heard you over telling Catherine that she was a lot like her father, that she was a lot like Obi Wan's apprentice who turned to the dark side." Luke replied. "Ben told me that his apprentice murdered my father." Luke replied.

At first Yoda did not reply. Then giving a sigh replied "troublesome this attitude of yours."

"But Master Yoda, Catherine's father is responsible for my not having a family. You said yourself that she's just like him. I don't understand why you would bother trying to help her." Luke replied.

Yoda shook his head in disappointment. "Sense jealousy in you I do. Concern me this does. More alike then you care to admit you and Catherine are. Jealous I sense you are of her abilities. Anger, fear, aggression, jealousy the dark side of the force are they. Be wary of them you must or consume you they will as they did Obi Wan's apprentice."

"Jealous? I'm not jealous." Luke replied with a slight frown.

"Fool me you cannot, sensed it I have. Jealous you have been since Catherine removed her ship from the lake." Yoda replied.

Uncomfortable where this conversation was heading Luke decided to try and change the subject. "Master Yoda, what did you mean we are more alike then I know? What aren't you telling me?" Luke asked.

"Rest, rest, rest is what I need. Nothing more will we discuss today, upset you this conversation does. Yes, rest is what I need." Yoda replied walking back towards his hut.

"Master Yoda I need to know." Luke said questioningly.

"Hurting the same you are. Hurting from the loss of Ben are you, hurting from the your words is she. Her place in this galaxy she is searching for. The truth about her origins, friends and family she desires. Help her this challenge shall." Yoda replied.

Meanwhile, back in the cave Catherine was suddenly feeling extremely tired. Looking around she found herself in what seemed to be a burial chamber. Most would have been creeped out by this but it didn't faze Catherine. She was tired and needed rest and so she lay down upon the giant slab and soon was fast asleep. Dreams flooded her sleep, dreams of her discussions with Yoda, dreams of Lord Vader bust mostly dreams of Dalekan Cruix and the pain he had put her through and the pain he might put him through tomorrow. As she was dreaming, the memory of a Sith long since forgotten stirred. Suddenly Catherine's sleep was interrupted by a loud voice and she found herself being jolted awake. "Why do you enter my tomb Jedi?" the voice demanded.

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