Catherine is betrayed by Boba.

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Meanwhile, back on the imperial starship an officer approaches Vader. "Lord Vader, here is the information concerning Lieutenant Richard and all the info we could gather concerning his former slave."


"Can I be of any more assistance?"

"Yes, get me Boba Fett." He ordered a commanding officer.

"Yes sir." The officer gulped terrified of Vader's presence. Soon the officer had a link established.

"How can I be of assistance?" Boba Fett asked as the hologram of Vader appeared on his screen. Little did he know Dathan Cruix had intercepted the transmission and could over hear Boba and Vader's conversation.

"I seek an audience with your young apprentice."

"She and I have parted ways momentarily."

Vader sighed "this is unfortunate. I shall have to find other means of locating her."

"What has the little brat done now?" Dathan asked unintentionally letting them know of his presence.

"Who are you and how did you get on this channel? It's supposed to be secure." Vader growled.

"My name is Dathan Cruix. I'm Catherine's rightful owner. Dathan replied causing Boba to growl underneath his helmet. He wanted to respond but he knew now was not the time. "If she has done something to upset the Emperor or you, rest assured I will make sure she pays for it dearly." Boba heard Dathan telling Vader.

"She has done nothing to upset the Emperor or myself." Vader replied causing Boba to sigh in relief.

"Then why?...." Dathan started to ask but Vader cut him off.

"That is on a need to know basis and you don't need to know. Know this, the Emperor wants her alive and unharmed. Whoever finds her and brings her to me will be greatly rewarded." Vader replied and with that the transmission ends.

Dathan smiled so, Catherine was going to prove to be if value to him once more. It shouldn't be too hard to find her he told himself. Boba frowned under his helmet first Jabba places a bounty on Catherine's head and now the Empire?

Why was his adopted daughter so highly sought? He sighed. He knew that he had to locate her before Dathan did. 

Catherine POV

I sighed as I flew away from Dagobah. Was I making a mistake in not completing my training with Yoda? Should I turn around and go back? No. I can never be a Jedi, too much of the dark side of the force resides in my heart. Yoda could sense that which is why he allowed me to leave. I told myself. I needed time to think but once again I found myself running low on fuel. Sighing I landed on the nearest planet.

I frowned when I spotted a bounty that popped up with my picture on it. This wasn't good.

As I headed into town I ran into the one person I least expected to see. "Catherine what brings you here?" Boba asked.

"I stopped to refuel my ship and you?"

"Same. I was just about to rendezvous with my current client. How about you accompany me? For old times sake?"

"So what precisely was your target?" I asked looking around the slave1. Not spotting anything out of the ordinary. Boba didn't respond. "Are you aware that Jabba has placed a bounty on your head?"

"You don't intend on collecting upon it do you?" I replied nervously.

"No. I wasn't hired to obtain you for Jabba. Besides, this newest job will pay far more then the bounty Jabba has placed on your beautiful head."

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