Kylo acessess Catherines memories of Serving Demon.

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Kylo sighed. "Must we go through this again? You know I can take what I want so why fight it? Why fight me? It would go a lot quicker if you were to corporate and it would be a lot less painful for you." Kylo replied receiving a "hurumph" in reply. "If you don't start cooperating I won't be able to protect you." Kylo stated causing Catherine to look at him confused.

"Protect me? From what?"Catherine asked trying to hide the concern in her voice.

"If you refuse to cooperate then Hux will order that you be killed. I won't be there to stop them."

"Why not? Who cares if this Hux guy orders me to be killed? He's not the one in control of this base right? I mean I am right aren't I about him not being in charge?" Catherine asked starting to get worried by Kylo's silence.

"No he's not in charge but the one who is isn't very patient or as forgiving as Hux or I. If you don't cooperate I don't know what he will order to be done with you. Those who have outlived their usefulness to the Supreme Leader often find themselves wishing they had cooperated." Kylo replied.


"Because those who upset the Supreme Leader often find themselves dead that's why." Kylo replied. "Is that what you want? To be killed because you wouldn't answer some simple questions?" Kylo demanded.

"No." Catherine replied looking downward.

"No what?" Kylo demanded already knowing the answer.

"No I do not want to die." Catherine replied fighting back the tears that were threatening to fall.

"Then do as I ask don't fight me. Let me access the memories I need to answer the questions the Supreme Leader wants answered." Kylo replied.

"Fine but don't think that your supposed show of compassion is going to convince me that you are a good guy!" Catherine growled leaning forward in her chair.

Kylo could feel the anger and hatred towards him that Catherine was emanating her anger was so fierce it almost scared him. Kylo shook the thought from his mind. "I am Not Scared of anyone let alone a Girl!" He growled to himself . "Let's see, if I recall during our last session you had remembered being tossed aside and treated unkindly by your so called parents." Kylo scoffed and Catherine winced at the memory. "Shall we continue?" He asked sarcastically.

"Do I have a choice?" Catherine asked the tears already swelling up in her eyes threatening to fall.

"No." Kylo replied.

"I didn't think so." Catherine replied with a sigh.

"Oh, and by the way, crying won't get you anywhere. It's a waste of time not to mention a sign of weakness." Kylo replied.

"Then let's get it done and over with. Take the information you want from me and leave me alone." Catherine replied trying desperately to hide her fear of the possible painful memories Kylo might access.

Kylo smiled "you are wise to fear me. I shall try to make this as quick and painless as I can. However, I must stress the more you fight me the more painful my abstraction of the required information will be to you. Do you understand?"

"Yes. I'll try not to fight you no matter how painful the memories you access might become." Catherine replied trying to put on a brave face.

"Good." Kylo was just about to wave his hand across her face so that she blacked out but Catherine pleaded with him to stop.

"Wait." Catherine said suddenly holding her hand up in a way as if to say stop.

"Now what?" Kylo asked irritatedly.

"May I ask you a favor?" Catherine asked timidly.

"If this is a stall tactic..." Kylo began to warn.

" It's not." Catherine replied quickly.

Kylo crossed his arms and leaned back slightly "oh? It's not huh? Why exactly is that? It certainly seems like your stalling for time to me." Kylo replied.

"I'm not really I'm not it's just..."

"It's Just what? I'm starting to grow impatient with your incessant delay tactics."

"I'm not trying to delay anything.." Catherine began to say trying to explain her reason for her hesitation.

"Don't lie to me!" Kylo growled placing his hands on the arm rests of the chair Catherine was sitting in his mask as close as he could get to her face without smashing into her.

Catherine shrunk back into the chair as best as she could. As if to make herself smaller. "I'm not. It's just I was wondering if you could remove your helmet." Catherine replied quietly.

"Why would I do that?" Kylo asked sitting back down in the chair across from her with his arms folded across his chest.

"Im not sure how to explain it. It's as if it's a reminder of a memory that my brain doesn't wish to remember. Mind you, I have no idea what that could be but I think whatever it is or was is blocking you from accessing the memories you desire. Perhaps you might be able to access my memories easier?" Catherine suggested cautiously.

"So be it." With that Kylo removed his helmet and placed it down on the table. Then he waved his hand across her face and she blacked out for what seemed like hours. Catherine found herself remembering Richard's decree to toss her in a detention cell with instructions that she be beaten daily. Kylo frowned the more he accessed her memories the angrier it was making him. While it was true that he was a cold hearted killer it was things like these memories that made him furious. He sighed perhaps it was best he take a break he needed to let out his frustrations. "No." He told himself. "Finish the job you were assigned. Prove to the supreme leader that you are worthy of his teachings. You can take out your frustration later right now you have a job to do." He scolded himself.

Kylo focused his thoughts and once again began searching Catherine's memories for the desired information. He learned that she had been sold as a slave to a bounty hunter named Demon Cruix and that he and his sons were extremely cruel to Catherine. Often punishing her by forcing her to go without food or beating her with a whip for no reason other then that it amused them. Kylo couldn't take it anymore no one deserved to be treated like that. Frustrated because he was getting more information then he bargained for and because he wasn't learning the information that the supreme leader desired he ignited his lightsaber and slashed at the nearest console.

At the sound of the lightsaber igniting Catherine instantly awoke from the trance Kylo had placed her in, she watched as he slashed at anything and everything in his path. His anger was so fierce it frightened her. What had he discovered that made him so angry? She wondered to herself. After a few minutes of destroying everything around him Kylo pushed the button on his lightsaber closing the blade. Grabbing his helmet he placed it on his head and walked out the door. Catherine was left alone in his room unshackled and easily able to escape. "What are you waiting for? Nows your chance to escape." She told herself. "No." She told herself firmly. "Why not?" "Because we gave our word that's why." Catherine reminded herself. "So? Who cares?" She demanded to herself. "I care. I am not going to go back on my word and that's final!"

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