Catherine becomes Boba Fett's Daughter

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                   Boba POV

"Me not know me mommy and daddy. All me know was that Me was found with webel spies and was supposed to go bye bye. Howeba, an Offica chose to take me home instead me since his wife couldn't habe children. When they had a daughta they changed and Me became a sewbant obanight. One day Me disobey him and embawwised him and he owdaed me sent to a detention centa to be taught to obey me supewias. Howeba, the Offica assigned to cawwy out that task knew how cwuel the man in chawge was so he chose to take me with him and bwing me to an Owphanage on Tattoine dispite his pawtna's objections.

"They decided to stop fowa dwinks and told me to wait outside. Lata, while the nice offica was in getting dwinks the other Offica wan into Damon. He told him that his pawtna wanted to  take me to an Owphanage. Damon told him dat was a bad idea. Damon gabe him lots of cwedits and Me habe been with Damon eba since." Catherine replied barely looking at me.

"How old were you when you became Damon's property?"

"Me was this old, me fink..." Catherine replies holding up two fingers.

"Do you understand what has taken place here today? "I asked kneeling down so I was at her level.

"Wes siwa. Damon made a bet dat he nu can pay. So him gibe me to you instead of de cwedits." Catherine replied.

"And do you know what that means?" I asked.

"Yes. You is me new owna and me am to do what Me am told without question owa me be punished." Catherine replied lowering her eyes to the floor once more.

"You're not my slave Catherine, your collateral."

"Me don't undastand. What's collatewal?"

"It means, Damon still owns you. You are only remaining with me until he pays me the money he made in our bet unless I decide otherwise."


"However, I wouldn't get your hopes up. Damon isn't known for keeping his promises."

"Masta?" Catherine said looking up a me before quickly glancing back down again. I sighed in frustration. I was glad that my helmet hid my face as I didn't want her to see my aggravation.

"I told you, don't call me that.  My name is Boba and in my company you do not bow or lower your eyes to anyone except for maybe Jabba."

I soon realized why Damon had been so insistent that Catherine only be collateral. She was a very unique child and she was worth far more then the debt Damon owned. He wanted her returned so he could continue to exploit and abuse Her. However, as far as Hutt law was concerned, Damon had "sold" Cathrine to me to pay his debt. I wasn't obligated to return her. It was within my right to refuse to return her.

I was fairly certain that Damon had completely forgotten about our deal. So I decided to do something that had never been done. I was going to teach Catherine just how valuable she really was. "Catherine we need to talk." I said as we sat Catherine down at my favorite diner.

"Oh no, what did Me do now?"

"Why do you always think you have done something wrong when I say I want to talk with you?" I asked.

"Cause ebewytime someone has said that it's cause dey nu want me nu mowa." Catherine replies trying to hold back her tears.

"Well that isn't the case this time Sweetie.
You have always gone above and behind what I've asked of you. If I were going to sell you I'd have done it a long time ago. I have had several people offer to purchase you this week alone. However, I always turn them down and do you know why?"

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