Catherine meets Yoda and Luke

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As Catherine rushed down the corridor she frowned. How dare Lord Vader suggest she call him master! She wasn't just property she was a human being. Why was it that only Boba seemed to understand that?

She decided that she needed to escape, as she needed time to think. So she stole a fighter plane and flew off into space with no particular direction. Soon she was on the outskirts of the galaxy and found herself running low on fuel she'd have to land on the planet below. The planet was known as Dagobah.

Meanwhile on the planet below Yoda was training Luke Skywalker in the ways of the force. Yoda could sense that someone else was about to land on the planet. Someone who like Luke needed his help. "Follow me my young padwan." Yoda said with a smile.

"Master Yoda, where are we going now?" Luke asked exasperated.

"You shall see." Yoda replied with a chuckle. Soon Yoda had rushed off leaving Luke behind to catch up. Yoda soon reached the place where Catherine's plane had landed.

As Catherine explored the forrests near where the stolen tie fighter was she felt as if she was being watched. As she turned around her blaster in her hands she ran into a small alien who seemed to be extremely curious. "Away with your weapon. I mean you no harm. I was wondering, why are you here?" Yoda asked.

"Can't you see I'm busy?" Catherine replied irritatedly as she tried to set up camp.

Yoda smiled "busy? No, not busy, in need of help you are. Get your ship out you must if you are to continue your quest, yes?" The strange creature said nodding his head towards the tie fighter.

"Look, I didn't mean to land in that mud hole and if I could get my ship out I would now go away. I have to find a way to get off this slimy mud hole of a planet." Catherine replied throwing a rock towards Yoda.

"Slimy? Mud hole? My home this is!" Yoda replied as if insulted by her comment as he dodged the rock.

Catherine didn't know why but she immediately felt guilty for insulting this strange creature and for throwing a rock at him at least She thought the strange creature was a him. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, and i shouldn't have thrown that rock at you. You haven't done anything to deserve my anger. I'm just so frustrated, this day keeps going from bad to worse and now that I'm stuck here I'll never find what I was searching for."

"Searching for something are you?" Yoda questioned as he explored Catherine's camp.

"Not something, someone. Someone who can answer my questions." Catherine replied.

"Found someone you have. Provide insight on your origins know someone I might." Yoda said with a smile.

"How did you?..." Before Yoda could respond Catherine and Yoda could hear Luke calling him.

"Master Yoda where are you?" Luke called frustratedly. "How can someone of your size and age travel so fast?" Luke said trying to catch his breath as spotted where Yoda was standing. "How am I suppose to master the force if you keep disappearing on me?" Luke said as he noticed Yoda in the distance. "Master Yoda what are you doing now?" Luke asked walking up to him.

Yoda smiled and replied, "Helping I am."

"Helping who?" That's when Luke spotted Catherine. He was instantly drawn to her as if they had some sort of connection.

Catherine turned and looked at the young man who was staring at her and frowned. What was he looking at? "It's rude to stare."

"I'm sorry it's just that you seem so familiar. Have we met somewhere before?" Luke asked.

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