Christina Luke and Rey.

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Meanwhile, back on the remote island Chrstina and Rey were telling Luke all about their adventure to find them.

"So Catherine wanted to fine me?" Luke asked surprised.

"Yes. She said you were the only one who could help her complete her training. The only one who could restore balance to the force." Chrstina replied.

Luke sighed "I don't do that any more not since...." Luke's voice trailed off. "She would have come a long way for nothing. I can't restore balance to the force. I can't train her I can't train anyone. Not anymore. I'm done doing that kind of thing. That was in the past I'm too old and too worn down to fight. Besides, what could I possibly do to stop The First Order? I couldn't stop Snoke before and I can't stop him now. Where is Catherine? I thought you said she came to find me? Why hasn't she come to talk to me?" Luke asked looking around expecting to see her.

Rey looked down at the ground "The last time we saw her she was fighting the first order. I don't know what happened to her."

"I do." Christina replied. "I saw what happened as we were flying off. She was shot by
a Storm trooper and she had fallen to the ground. Then I saw a officer nod towards her and I saw the Trooper picking her up in his arms and carrying her off. She seemed limp like she was barley breathing but I think she was alive."

"Then she's a prisoner of the first order. We have to rescue her!" Rey replied jumping up quickly.

Luke shook his head "you don't even know if she's still alive. No, it's best that you stay here."

"And let Catherine sacrifice her life for mine when we could save her? No way! I'm going after her!" Rey replied.

"Rey it's too dangerous! You don't know Kylo Ren like I do. He's..." Luke's voice trailed off.

"I know enough. I know he's obsessed with being like Darth Vader. I know what he is capable of doing, I saw what he was capable of doing. I saw him murder Han in cold blood. I won't stand by and let him do the same thing to Catherine. Now are you coming with us or not?" Rey demanded.

Christina turned to Luke "don't let Han's death be in vain. He knew there was good inside Kylo just like you did Vader. He can be turned back to the light side of the force I know he can. He just needs your guidance. I saw how much conflict there was in him when he killed Han. He almost came with him. I know that we can help him see the light if we all work together. What do you say? Will you help me save Kylo Ren? Will you help me save Your nephew? Will you help me save my....."

"Your what?" Luke asked puzzled.

"Never mind. Forget it. It's nothing." Christina replied.

"It's not nothing, please, finish what you were going to say." Luke replied kneeling down and placing a hand on Christina's shoulder.

"My cousin." Christina whispered causing Luke's eyes to go wide with shock.

"Did you say???"

"Cousin. Ben Solo is my cousin. At least I think that he might be..." Christina replied with a slight sigh.

"Are you coming with us or not?" Rey asked rising up and dusting herself off.

"No." Luke replied.

"What of Catherine? We can't just leave her in the hands of the First Order." Rey replied. "In the hands of Kylo Ren."

"If Ben has her then she's already as good as dead." Luke replied.

"I've already fought against him and won. I should have made sure he was dead when he fell in the Forrest. Who knows maybe I did. Maybe he is dead if so, good riddance if not, he will be soon enough." Rey replied bitterly.

"Rey you mustn't think like that." Luke replied.

"Why? He deserves to die. After what he did he deserves whatever comes his way" Rey replied angrily.

"You must never let your anger get the best of you and you must never give in to your fear. Fear, Anger Aggression, the dark side of the force are they. Easily they flow quick to join you in a fight but if not careful consume you these feelings will. As they did Vader and Kylo." Luke warned.

" We don't have time for your lectures. We have to get back to the resistance base and try and find out what happened to Catherine. We need to know if she's still alive and if so, where she's being held. If your not going to help us then we will do this on our own. We will not sacrifice our friends to try and convince you that the resistance needs you." Rey replied and with that both Rey and Christina turned and headed back down the mountain towards the millennium falcon. As they did Luke sighed shook his head and smiled. Rey and Christina were both like him in so many ways. They were young, impetuous and head strong just like he had been at their age.

Luke chuckled slightly and looked off into the distance "Ben I don't know what to do. They are full of anger and they seem to have no patience. Was I this difficult when you trained me Master?" Luke asked into the darkness.

The sprit of Yoda and Ben appeared by Luke's side. " difficult? Yes, no patience had you when first you began your training. Too quick to give up were you. Impetuous you were rush off to rescue your friends you did and learned to early the burden of who your father was. Similar these girls are. Like you are they in many ways. Teach them you should. Help them discover their future you can." Yoda replied.

"I can't teach them the ways of the force master. Look what happened the last time I tried." Luke replied with a sigh.

"You shouldn't blame yourself for your apprentice's decision. These young girls may be the ones to help your previous apprentice see the light. Perhaps they are destined to save him as you were destined to save Anakin." Ben replied.

"Are my ears burning or was someone talking about me?" Anakin asked stepping out of the shadows.

"Yes my young apprentice we were discussing you." Ben replied with a sigh.

" Luke despite Master Yoda's and Ben's wishes I have been keeping an eye on both you and your sister. I know what has happened and I am deeply sorry that it is because of my mistakes that your apprentice has fallen prey to the dark side. I should never believed Palpatine. I should have followed Master Windu's instructions and done as he asked. Then none of this would have happened. Not a day goes by that I do not wish that I could go back in time and change the past." Anakin said with a sigh.

"Change the past you can not. Learn from it you can." Yoda replied.

"Yes and learn from it you must. Don't let your sister make the same mistake that I did." Anakin replied.

"What do you mean?" Luke asked puzzled.

"Said too much already your father has. Already know what must be done you do. Pass on that which you have learned you must." Yoda told Luke who nodded.

"I understand. I will not fail you!" Luke replied as he rushed off to catch up with Rey and Christina. "I only hope I'm not too late."

Unfortunately he was too late he sighed as he watched the millennium falcon fly off into the distance. Now what was he to do?

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