The escape and the two groups plans.

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After narrowly escaping the two gangs the group boarded the millennium falcon and flew off to their next destination.

Meanwhile at the Rebellion headquarters General Leia was being given an update on the situation. "Lar Sen Tika is dead killed by the first order. We found Poe's ship destroyed and there is no sign of him or BB8." Finn stated.

"If they find Luke before we do the rebellion is doomed. That droid is our only hope of finding Luke. We must rally the senate to help us in our quest. We mustn't give up hope. C3PO you've seen the information that's been given us concerning what happened on Jakku. Put this information into the computer and locate that droid." Leia ordered.

"Right away general." C3PO replied saluting with his temporary red arm.

Then Turing to a young lady Leia told her of her mission. "You must go to the Senate and demand they take action the longer they sit around and argue the stronger the First Order Becomes."

"Not that I'm not honored by this take but wouldn't it be more effective if this came directly from you?" The young woman questioned.

"Perhaps it might but even if I did make it to the senate and make a speech I'd never return alive. I'd run into trouble somehow. I could wind up with food poisoning, or I'd run into someone I didn't agree with or I'd have a terrible accident or be the victim of a so called radical. No. It's best I leave this task to you." Leia replied.

Meanwhile on an imperial star ship far away General Hux, Captain Phasma and Kylo Ren stood before a hologram of The Supreme leader giving him a similar update. "So, the droid will soon be in the hands of the rebellion giving them the map to Skywalker. If he returns a new order of Jedi will emerge to challenge us." Supreme leader Snoke said calmly as he stated the facts.

"I take full responsibility for this failure." General Hux told the hologram.

"Your apology isn't needed we need to focus on the here and now. Apologies are not a strategy nor will it provide a solution to our problem." Supreme Leader Snoke replied. Ren stood quietly by wondering why Snoke wasn't angry at Hux for his failure to obtain the droid and the map. Had this been the time of his Grandfather Darth Vader Hux would have been dead. Vader would have used the force to choke him. It made him smile beneath his mask to imagine Hux gasping for breath.

"If I may, I have a solution." Hux said stepping boldly forward.

Supreme Leader Snoke leaned forward in the chair a little. "And what precisely is that?"

"The weapon sir. It's completed and fully functional like its predecessor before it. It has ten times the fire power and I suggest we use it." Hux replied confidently.

"And where exactly do you suggest we aim it?"

"At the Senate. Or what they call the Senate. Use the weapon to destroy their entire government wipe out the entire system. It was cause chaos . The rebellion will have no choice but to pull their resources to conduct an investigation. It will also install fear into the other galaxies that dare defy us. It will prove once and for all that we are the ultimate power in the universe. The Senete's destruction will warn those who dare defy us the true penalty of doing so. Fear of The First order will spread throughout the Galaxy." Hux replied.

Had Vader been alive he would have lectured young Hux just as he had done Motti years before. "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force." Vader had told Motti. Had Vader been alive he would have told Hux the exact same thing. Hux continued by providing an even bigger reason for using the weapon.

"Destroy their entire system and the Rebellion will have no choice but to conduct a full scale investigate to try and discover the source of such a devastating attack. And in doing so they will."

"Reveal themselves." Snoke replied with a smile. "

"And if they don't come and investigate then then we've succeeded in destroying them." Hux replied.

"It's intrepid, it's extreme and it shows that we will not flinch when it comes to proving our resolve. Go prepare the weapon. I agree the time has come to use it." Snoke said satisfied with this solution.

"As you wish Supreme leader. I'll make the preparations immediately." Hux replied with a bow.

After he left Snoke turned his attention to Kylo Ren. "I have never had a student like you before." He mused.

"It is because of your teachings I have become strong." Kylo Ren replied.

"It is far more then that. You are made two different sides of the force both the light which comes from your mother Leia and your Uncle Luke and the dark which comes from your Grandfather. All great sculptors and potters must have good materials to work with. The materials have to be strong and unbreakable. I have you. I have watched you mature but your greatest test is still to come. The historians have it wrong you know. It wasn't the rebel alliance that caused the empire to fall."

"It was sentiment." Kylo Ren replied.

"Yes sentiment. Vader gave in to sentiment when he rescued his son. It was his greatest mistake." Snoke states and Kylo agreed. "Had the father just killed the son there would have been no threat today. Skywalker would have died and the Jedi order with him."

"I will not fall prey to sentiment. I am immune to the light." Kylo Ren assured Snoke.

" Your confidences is admirable but don't let it blind you to the truth. No one knows the strength of their convictions until they have been tested. Yours Kylo Ren Knight of Ren has not been tested. There has been an awakening in the force have you felt it?"

"Yes." Ren replied.

"You are right in the middle my young student. Your bond isn't just to Vader but to Skywalker and his sister Leia."

"There is no need for concern together we will destroy the Jedi. Kylo paused before he continued knowing full well what he was about to say meant "and the resistance."

"Your greatest test has yet to come. It has come to my attention that the droid we seek is aboard the millennium falcon in the company of your father Han Solo." Snoke replied.

Kylo Ren frowned and was silent for a moment as if pondering his response. "it doesn't matter. That old man means nothing to me. You are my teacher, you are my father figure not him. My allegiance is with you and you alone. Nothing shall stand in our way." Kylo Ren replied.

"We shall see. We shall see." Snoke replied dismissing Kylo Ren. As he left the chamber Snoke began to smile evilly and his hologram dissapeared the evil smile being the last thing to fade away.

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