Catherine meets Poe.

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Upon reaching Jakku Catherine found a local and asked directions to Lor Sen Teeka's home. "Hi Lor its been a long time."

"Catherine what brings you here?" Lor asked surprised to see her.

"The same thing that brought him." Catherine replied nodding in Poe's direction.

"I see. I guess introductions are in order." Lor replied with a slight and weary  smile.

"Poe, Poe Dameron." Poe said extending his hand for Catherine to shake.



"I don't give out my last name. It gets me into trouble. Let's just say I'm a friend of General Leia's and leave it at that shall we?" Catherine asked.

Suddenly the Droid by that was in front of the tent began to make loud whistling sounds.

Catherine recognized them immediately "I hate to cut our little chat short but we have company."

"You speak droid?" Poe asked surprised.

"We don't have time to get acquainted those troopers will be here any minute." Catherine replied and no sooner had she spoken a ship landed and a fleet of storm troopers marched off the ship. Soon the place was surrounded by storm troopers and flame troopers from the first order.

"Oh great. As if the empire  wasn't bad enough." She mumbled as she watched the troopers round up the villagers.

Turing to Poe, Lar handed him a small electronic device. "You must go!" Poe nodded and he and his BB8 droid rushed towards their ship. As they were getting ready to take off  the back of their ship was hit causing the fighter to be unflyable . No sooner had the exited the ship it was hit and blew up.

Realizing that it was only a matter of time before he was captured Poe gave the map piece to BB8 and promised to come back for him.

Meanwhile, Catherine watched as a masked figure walked off an imperial star cruiser. He seemed oddly familiar though she's never seen him before.

Catherine watched surprised as a storm trooper seemed hesitant to carry out his orders. In fact, it seemed like this trooper didn't fit in with the other troopers at all. He seemed too emotional and unwilling kill. Catherine shrugged this off and instead chose to focus on this strange man who looked earily like her father. Like Darth Vader.

He took no time is reaching Lar's tent and Catherine watched and listened intently as this strange man and Lar had a strange conversation.

"Look how old you've become." The masked man told Lor as if he had known him for years.

"Something far worse has happened to you." Lor replied. This comment didn't phase the masked man at all.

"You know why I've come." The masked man told Lor.

Lor's reply was odd "I know where you come from. Before you called yourself Kylo Ren." What did he mean by that? Catherine wondered. Where did this strange masked man come from? How did he know Lor? Catherine wondered.

"I know you located the map to Skywalker and now you are going to give it the First Order." The masked man ordered Lor.

"The First Order rose from the Dark Side, you did not." Lor replied.

This comment angered the masked man. "I'll show you the dark side." He growled through the mask.

"You can try but you can not deny the truth that is your family." Lor replied.

"You are so right." The masked man who Lor had called Kylo Ren replied. Catherine watched as Kylo Ren ignited a four pronged lightsaber. She knew instantly what was going to happen and turned her head away unable to watch as he struck Lar down. Suddenly he turned and looked in her direction and started heading her way. However, before he reached her Poe shot at him angrily. Catherine watched as this strange figure froze the shot in mid air.

"No!" She whispered  as Poe was dragged onto the imperial ship. Her only hope of finding her brother was now on board an imperial cruiser or so she thought. Then again, maybe this was fates way of telling her that it wasn't meant to be. That she and Luke weren't meant to be reunited.

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