Kylo offers to train Catherine

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If she returns to her adult mindset then I seriously doubt that she'd ever be willing to help us do anything let alone help us discover Skywalker's whereabouts. And I highly doubt that she'd help us destroy him. I mean think about it, he's her family. She'd never betray him." Hux replied.

"I wouldn't be so sure. You see, he may be her brother but she hates Skywalker." Kylo replied.

"Just how do you know that?" Hux scoffed. "Oh by the way, that bounty hunter what's his name is still waiting for an answer.

"His name is Boba Fett and I shall deal with him myself." Kylo replied walking out the door. "Have hanger bay five open and inform this Boba Fett that I shall meet with him there." Kylo ordered a nearby Storm trooper.

Catherine POV

"Catherine why have you forgotten me? You have forgotten who you are and so you have forgotten me. Look inside yourself Catherine. You are more then what you've become. Remember who You are. Remember your promise. You are my daughter. You are a Skywalker. It's time you stop hiding from your past and start acting your age. Remember who you are."

Again my mind returned to my adult mindset and I allowed myself to cry. Why had he left me? How could I go on without him?

What do you want? What more could you possibly want from me? You've already broken my sprit isn't that enough?" I demanded as He enters my room.

"I just came to check on you and see how you are doing." Kylo replied.

"I'm fine now do me a favor and leave me alone!" I spat back at him angrily. "Or are you here to discover some more painful memories?" I demanded causing Kylo to wince.

"I had no choice Catherine. I had to know who you were. It was the only way to save your life. Hux wanted to have you publicly executed. Do you know what that means?" Kylo asked.

"Of course I know what that means! I'm not five years old!" I replied angrily.

"I sense you have changed you are once again that strong young women I met in the woods a few days ago. I believe I have something that belongs to you. Something I'm sure that you will want back." Kylo replied.

"What could you possibly have that I would want?" I replied sarcastically.

"This." Kylo replied extending Vader's lightsaber towards me.

Upon seeing the lightsaber my eyes grew dark and my frown deepened. "Where did you get that?" I growled.

"It was among your belongings when we rescued you from the planet. We couldn't keep such a dangerous weapon in the hands of an amateur."

"Give it back." I growled my anger growing with every passing moment.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. This isn't a toy it's a dangerous weapon and only those skilled in the force should weald such a weapon." Kylo replied.

"That lightsaber belongs to me." I replied angrily.

"Then use the force to call it too you. If it does indeed belong to you then you should be able to call it to your side easily." Kylo replied.

At this, I closed my eyes and looked away. "I can't." I whisper.

"Why is that? Is it because it never belonged to you? Could it be that you have no connection to the force?" Kylo replied with a laugh.

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