The conflict

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Catherine frowned what was she going to do? She couldn't carry out the punishment she desired to do and yet she couldn't sit back and do nothing either. "You there!" She called to a stormtrooper nearby.

"Yes ma'am?" The trooper replied hesitantly.

"Has the bounty hunter Demon and his sons gone very far?"

"No ma'am according to our information he and his sons are on the planet below."

"Contact him immediately and inform him that Lord Ren and his apprentice have a proposition for him."

"Yes ma'am."

"Oh and one more thing, have General Hux's fiancée brought to me immediately."

"Yes ma'am!" The trooper replied rushing off to carry out her orders.

A few minutes later Jackie's daughter was brought before her. "Might I ask why my presence was requested here?" She asked with a frown.

"You are here to answer for the crimes your family has committed agents me." Catherine replied. Before Jackie's daughter could respond a storm trooper entered the room to inform Catherine that a transmission from Demon Cruix was awaiting her reply. "Put it through in here." Catherine replied and the trooper nodded.

"Well, well, well, what have we here? Are you ready to come home Catherine?" Demon asked with a smile.

"Let's not waste both of our time with a question you already know the answer too."

"As you wish. How can I be of assistance to you? My lady?" Demon replied bowing mockingly.

"Don't try my patience Demon. I am here to discuss a business proposition with you nothing more. You will show me the proper respect, or I won't hesitate to kill you."

"If you are continuing to refuse to return home then there is nothing left to discuss." Demon replied.

"I know that you want me to return and serve you once more, but that won't happen. I am however, willing to offer you a replacement slave/ servant. She is very intelligent, extremely beautiful and a hard working devoted member of the first order." Catherine replied shoving Jackie's daughter in front of the monitor. "She will serve you well. Oh and one more thing Demon, you are to treat her the same way that you've treated me all these years. I don't want to hear that you've been to giving her any special treatment just because she was once one if the most powerful women of The First Order. She is to be treated as you treated me the day you bought me. That includes punishing her when she gets out of line. Do whatever it takes to break her sprit. I want her to suffer for all the misery her family put me through."

"Your going to regret this. Hux is going to have your head on a platter. Your going to wish you were dead by the time he's done with you. Not even your precious Kylo Ren will be able to save you from his wrath." Jackie's daughter grumbled and Catherine just smiled.

Ignoring her comment Catherine turned her attention back to Demon. "Do we have a deal Demon?"

"Well, she's not you, but I suppose she will have to do. I agree to your terms, However, I would like remind you that you have and will always belong to me. You are free only because I allow it. Don't think that just because I haven't forced you to return, that you are not bound to me. Your chains will be mine forever. Yes, I know I am risking annihilation by saying this, but it is true. This slave that you are giving me will never replace you. I am confused though, I know how you feel about slavery. I know that it isn't a fate that you'd wish upon your worst enemy. What has she done to deserve this punishment?"

"That is none of your concern." Catherine replied her voice wavering.

"This isn't like you Catherine. You have never been one for revenge...What's gotten into you???" Demon asked.

"I'll have your new Slave transported aboard your ship immediately." Catherine replied ending the transmission. What had gotten into her? Why was she doing this? "You are doing this to save Boba Fett's life. It's what your master requires of you." She reminded herself as she watched Jackie's daughter being escorted to the transporter.

As she watched Jackie's daughters look of dismay and she heard Demon words of welcome. "welcome to your new life slave. Forget all about who you use to be, forget about your previous status because that no longer matters. Forget about your life of privilege, because those days are gone. You are now mine to control and You will belong to me for the rest of your life." Then Demon turned his attention back towards Catherine "it was good doing business with you. I'm sure we will see each other again real soon." Demon replied with a chuckle.

"What makes you say that?" I asked starting to tremble a little.

"I know you Catherine. I know you. Your not going to be able to live with what you've done. Sooner or later your going to regret it and I'll be right here waiting for you when you do. Thank you again for my new slave." Demon replied with a wink and an evil smile and before Catherine could reply the screen went black.

As soon as the conversation ended Catnerjne was indeed instantly filled with regret and she broke down into sobs. "What have I done? What have I done?" She moaned slumping down into the chair the nearby chair. Catherine knew she had to inform Kylo Ren of her progress. Taking a few minutes to compose herself she held her head up high as she entered the control room where Kylo had been working.

"It is finished. I've done as you asked. Jackie's daughter is now the property of my former master." I told him trying to hold back the sadness in my voice.

"You have done well my apprentice. These are your first steps towards becoming a powerful Sith. Now, I think it's time we discuss how you plan on punishing this bounty hunter."

"No. I won't. I could barely bring myself to carry out your orders to punish Jackie by making her daughter a slave. A part of me died
the moment she was transported aboard Demon's ship. It physically and mentally pained me to go through with it. I was instantly filled with regret the moment the transaction was done. I don't want to be consumed by revenge. It's not who I am and it's not who I desire to be. There has got to be another way..." Catherine replied.

"Give it time my apprentice, give it time. These are only your first steps. Things'll get easier as time goes by." Kylo assured me.

"I don't want it to get easier. I don't want to become so engulfed by the dark side of the force that I forget who I am. Isn't there some other way that I could...."

Kylo held up his hand cutting her off mid sentence. "Enough! You will Not question me! Now, I know this is hard for you but you've got to learn to embrace your dark side. You can not allow yourself to feel remorse for what you've done. What's done is done and there is no going back. You will seek justice for what these people put you through. They must pay for their crimes. The crimes this bounty hunter's committed against You, must not be allowed to go unpunished." Kylo replied.

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