Author's note and Thirty Years later.

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Thirty years have passed since the death of Darth Vader and the rebel alliance still fights to free the galaxy. Leia and Han gave birth to a son who they name Ben. His is strong with the force at a young age and Luke has started a new Jedi training course. As for Catherine, she settled down on a remote planet in the outer rim of the Galaxy.  After spending many years alone in meditation she decided that she should seek out Luke so she could start her training.

Catherine found the task of finding Luke impossible and so she reached out to the only person she knew who could know where Luke was their sister Leia. Leia always had a stronger connection to Luke and could feel his presence whenever he was near. If anyone knew where Luke was Leia would.

"I'm sorry, Catherine but I haven't seen or heard from Luke in several years." Leia replied.

"Leia, what's going on?" Catherine asked completely confused.

Leia explained that Luke had disappeared. "Ever since Luke's disappearance  a new group of villains have risen to power to take the place of the Empire. A group,who called themselves The First Order. The first order's ultimate goal is to find Luke Skywalker and rid the Galaxy of the Jedi forever." Leia replied.

"I take it you don't like the First Order?" Catherine asked.

"They are worse then the Empire ever was. They rule with an iron fist. Only a few people dare to defy them." Leia replied.

"Let me guess, your part of the group that defys them?" Catherine asked with a sigh.

"We call ourselves the Resistance. I'm a general now. The task that has been given to me with the approval of the Senate is to find Luke and help rally him to our cause." Leia replied. 

"Do you have any leads as to where Luke might be?" Catherine asked with a sigh.

"An old friend who lives on Jakku might just have the clue that we need. I have sent my best pilot to go retrieve it for us."

Catherine frowned so, there was a new threat to her peaceful existence. She wasn't about to let that happen. If Luke could not be found then she would have to step up to defend the Galaxy. "So your saying we have no idea where Luke is but there is a the map that has his exact location?

"A map that this new group of villains is also seeking? Oh great." Catherine replied sarcastically. "Somethings never change." Catherine muttered.  "Perhaps I should go and try and locate that map myself."

"I'm sure Poe can handle the situation." Leia replied.

"I'm sure he can but I'd rather not take any chances. You said the map was with an old ally?"

"Yes, however, you might not know him. His name is Lor Sen Tika." Leia replied.

"Can't say that I do. So here's the plan, I'm going to seek out this Lor San Tika and see what it is that he has found. I can determine if it will be useful in finding Luke or not." Catherine replied.

Leia sighed she knew there was no talking Catherine out of do this. It was obvious that she had made up her mind and once Catherine's mind was made up there was no changing it. "Very well, if you can try and hook up with Poe once you land on the planet. It will be easier to search for Lor with the two of you and BB8 looking for him." Leia replied.

Jakku  wasn't a planet she was looking forward to seeing. It reminded her to much of Tattooine. All covered in sand and crawling with bounty hunters and scavengers.

Well, there was only one thing to do, pack what little she owned and head to Jakku in hopes of catching up with this Poe guy. Yet, even if they found the map how could she to find Luke if Leia could not? Leia had a stronger connection with him and even she couldn't feel his presence or locate him. This map that they were searching for was their only hope.

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