Kylo speaks with the Supreme Leader concerning Catherine

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After making sure the droids were taking good care of Catherine Kylo excused himself and went to the communications room. Upon reaching the room and closing and locking the door Kylo removed his helmet and awaited Snoke's appearance.

A few moments later a hologram of Snoke appeared in the room. "Back so soon Kylo?" Snoke asked semi surprised. "How are the mind reading sessions coming? Have you discovered her connection to Vader yet? " He asked.

"Unfortunately, I must report that the answer to this question is once again no. "

"Why is that?"

"Well, there have been some unforeseen complications. The girl is in the infirmary and she may not recover." Kylo replied.

"How did this happen?" Snoke asked the irritation in his voice clearly showing.

"General Hux allowed a group of bounty hunters aboard the station. They claimed to have information concerning the whereabouts of Skywalker. However, their true intentions were soon made clear. They told this lie in an effort to make a claim of ownership of Catherine. They demanded we release her into their custody. When I refused Hux took it upon himself to allow Catherine to be escorted to a room where the bounty hunters were waiting. They tortured her until she blacked out from the pain." Kylo replied. Snoke could sense Kylo's anger and in truth he was fairly angry with this news himself.

"I sense you have something else to tell me. Or rather, you have something to ask me." Snoke replied.

"Yes master. Young woman is no longer the same woman that we captured. The medical droid did a test on her DNA and she should be the same age as Skywalker. She should be in her late 60's. However, for some reason she seems to be in her early 20s. Due to suffering a concussion during our battle the medical droid have confirmed that she's become a young child. The medical droids are unsure of when or if she might return to her normal age. If she isn't able to return to her proper age my question is this, may I train her in the ways of the force? In the ways of the Darkside? I know she is force sensitive and that she must have had some training in the ways of the force at some point. I have a feeling that if we were able to turn her to the dark side it would be a crushing blow to Skywalker when he is found. I'm not sure why, but I think she is connected to him in someway as well as connected to Vader."

"If she is indeed a young child then she is of no value to us. If you can not discover the answers to the questions I seek then she shall indeed be returned to the bounty hunters who claim ownership of her." Snoke replied.

"But master." Kylo started to argue.

Snoke held his hand up silencing Kylo. "Hear me out Kylo. I will allow you to keep her aboard the space station for now. As for training her, that will depend on what you find out concerning her. We need to know her connection to Vader and to Skywalker as soon as possible." Snoke replied.

"Yes master." Kylo replied with a slight nod before returning his mask to its proper place on his head turning to leave. "Oh and Kylo, inform General Hux that I wish to speak with him immediately." Snoke replied and Kylo smiled underneath his helmet.

"Yes Master." With that Kylo left the room eager to follow the Supreme Leader's orders. He could tell from Supreme Leader Snoke's tone that Hux was in major trouble and he couldn't wait to give Hux the bad news.

"Hux might I have a word?" Kylo called to Hux as he entered the bridge.

"What do you want Kylo? I've got things to do!" Hux demanded irritatedly. "Shouldn't you be checking on your "girlfriend?" I would have thought that you'd be more concerned about her." Hux replied sarcastically.

"She is not my girlfriend." Kylo replied.

"Sure she's not." Hux replied rolling his eyes showing his sarcasm.

"As much as I'd love to stay and argue with you I've got more important things to deal with. I just stopped by to inform you that The Supreme Leader wishes to speak with you. I suggest you don't keep him waiting." Kylo replied.

"The, the Supreme Leader wishes to speak with me? Did, ahh, did he say what it was he wished to discuss?" Hux asked concerned.

"No. Just that he wished to speak with you privately and immediately." Kylo replied.

"Very well. You have the bridge Phasma." Hux called to his second in command.

"As you wish." Phasma replied walking over to the nearest console and sitting down.

After Hux was gone Phasma turned to Kylo. "You know what The Supreme Leader wishes to discuss with General Hux don't you?" She asked.

"Yes. Let's just say The Supreme Leader isn't too happy with Hux's latest decisions." Kylo replied.

Phasma nodded in understanding. "I warned him that messing with that girl was a bad idea." She said and with a deep sigh replied "he never listens. I knew he would get himself into trouble at some point."

"It was just a matter of time. Well, I'd love to stay here and chat but I have to go check on the status of our guest." Kylo replied with that Kylo turned and walking off the bridge and headed to the infirmary.

Upon entering the infirmary Kylo was surprised and yet elated to see that Catherine was not only awake but she was up and about smiling and she seemed to be full of energy. "It's a strange thing, one minute she was in a coma status the next she is awake and full of energy." The medical droid informed Kylo. "I've never seen anything like this in my entire career and believe me, I've seen a lot of weird things."

"May I speak with her?" Kylo asked and the droid nodded.

"However, I must warn you that should you seem to be upsetting our patient in any way I shall have you removed from the premises and banned from entering it as well." The medical droid informed Kylo.

Kylo sighed and then nodded "very well."

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