The confrontation

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"You will help me locate her or so help me..." Hux replied.

"Excuse me?"

"I know Kylo ordered you to seek revenge against those who have hurt you. You had something to do with her disappearance. That is why I ordered my men to fire upon your "father's" ship." I won't tolerate anyone treating my family with disrespect. Perhaps now, you will realize just how serious I am concerning the welfare of this base and its members." Hux replied smirking.

I frowned for a split second and then smiled sweetly. "I have a feeling that the Cruix family might know her whereabouts. She was last seen with them. He knows that you will search the entire galaxy to find her. Until I am returned to him he will ensure that she forever remains out of your reach. That I can assure you." I replied walking away.

"Get back here!" Hux screamed at me and I smiled holding back a chuckle. A few seconds later, I found my arm being grabbed by a very angry General Hux. "Where is she? I know you know!"

Choosing to ignore his hand on my arm, I calmly replied, "I already told you. The last time I saw her, the Cruix boys were loading her onto their ship. They had placed a slave collar on her neck and they winked at me as they took off. I tried convincing them to release her but they refused. They said they are owed a slave and if you wouldn't return me to them then she would just have to do. You had best locate them quickly. I know them, by the time they are done with her, she won't be the same person anymore. The Cruix family enjoys breaking their slave's spirits. I wish you the best of luck with finding your fiancé General. Now if you'll excuse me, I have training to get too." I replied pulling my arm from his grasp.

"If I find out that you had anything to do with this, you will regret it." Hux replied before storming off.

"Your late." Kylo said as I finally made my way to the training room.

"I'm sorry. I had a run in with that pest." I replied and Kylo chuckled beneath his helmet.

"What did he want?"

"The whereabouts of Charity." I replied with a shrug.

"What did you tell him?"

"The truth." I replied.

"Oh?" Kylo asked in surprise.

"Alright, I admit, I didn't tell him the entire truth. I informed him that his fiancé was last seen being forced onto the Cruix boys ship." I replied. "He said that if he finds out that I had anything to do with her disappearance that I will regret it."

At this Kylo let out a low growl. "He threatened you?"

I shrugged. "His so called threat doesn't bother or scare me." I replied as I picked up my blaster. "There is nothing more he can do to hurt me. He already murdered the only person besides you, that I care about. Can we just forget about this for now and begin our training session?"

"Yes. I have a few things that I need to do so stay here and work on your target practice. I will return shortly."

"Please Promise me that you won't confront Hux."

"You have nothing to be concerned about my apprentice. I have far more important issue to deal with then wasting time on the likes of him." Kylo replied as he exited the training room.

Anakin POV
I sighed shaking my head in disappointment as I watched Catherine slowly turning to the dark side. "Concerned about your daughter, I sense that you are." Master Yoda states pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yes. Why must I sit by and do nothing as she slowly descends into darkness?"

"On her own, this journey she must take. Help guide her we can not." Master Yoda replies with a sigh.

"But I'm her father, I am supposed to point her in the right direction."

"Point her in the right direction you already have. Help her no more can you." Yoda replies.

"Yet, you were more then willing to assist my son Luke and now Palpatine's granddaughter. Why then, are you not willing to help guide my daughter?" Anakin grumbles as he watches Yoda disappear without replying.

Suddenly he feels a hand on his shoulder he looks up to to see the face of his old Master. "Hello Anakin."

"Master Qui-Gon."

"They are wrong you know. Even after I had passed away, I tried to assist you. Do you remember the day you saught revenge against the tuskin raiders who had caused your mother's death?"

"How can I forget?" Anakin replies with a frustrated sigh.

"Did you not hear me cry out to you in anguish?

"I... I was so consumed with anger that I thought that I was hearing things."

"I can assure you, that you were not. You are right to be concerned about your daughter's welfare. As I was yours, even after my untimely death."

"Master Qui-gon, if you were watching over me then why didn't you try and stop me from becoming a Sith?"

At this Qui-gon sighs sadly. "One can only do so much."

"Master Qui-gon, are you telling me that despite what both Obi-wan and Yoda say that I should indeed try and assist my daughter?"

"Only you can answer that question."

"Will there be consequences for helping her?"

"There are always consequences for one's actions Anakin." Qui-gon replies.


"Yes Anakin?"

"I am unsure that it is wise for me to speak with her. I am not sure that I would even know what to say to help her through this crisis." I
reply with a sigh.

"Don't underestimate yourself Anakin. You are stronger then you give yourself credit for. When the time comes, you will know what to say." Qui-gon replies before disappearing.


"Father? How????"

"Catherine have you forgotten me? Have you forgotten what you promised?"


"Remember your promise...."

"Father please don't go."

"I will always be with you. Remember your promise...."

What had I promised him? That I would finish what he started. No that wasn't it..

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