The resistance and an unhappy reunion

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It wasn't too long before Han spotted Resistance fighters. "It's the Resistance." Han said as fighters flew past Christina, Chewie, Finn and Han to defeat the first order. Soon the ship carrying Leia landed and the doors opened. "Leia." Han said happy to see her.

She seemed happy to see him too but before the two could get reacquainted C3PO butt in. "Han Solo. It's me, C3PO I bet you didn't recognize me with my red arm." C3PO said and Han rolled his eyes. That walking piece of scrap metal always seemed to interrupt at the most inconvenient times. "General look who it is its Han Solo." One look from Leia and Han told C3PO to shut up. "Come on bb8 lets go have
a look at that map." C3PO said ushering bb8 down the corridor.

Bb8 started beeping as he spotted R2D2 in the corner.

"It's no use bb8. I'm sure R2 would have the map stored in his data base but he's been in low power mode ever since Master Luke left." C3PO replied sadly.

After what seemed like an eternity of silence Han complimented Leia with the first thing he could think of her hair. "New hairstyle I see."

"Same jacket." Leia replied.

"No, it's a new jacket." Han replied. "Leia I saw him, I saw our son. He was here." Han said at last. As he two of them stood there awkwardly Finn saw bb8 roll over and start talking to a very familiar looking resistance fighter. "Poe? Is that you? I thought you were dead."

"No. I was just dazed when I came too you were gone along with my jacket. Hay, you managed to save it." Poe said noticing Finn was wearing it.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that here." Finn said starting to take it off. "Poe I need your help. I need to talk to the general right away." Finn told Poe.

"No you keep it, it suites you besides I have a new jacket that suits me." Poe replied.

A few minute later Finn and Leia were discussing the weapon and his bravery and the fact that the First Order now had Rey and Catherine prisoner. "Excuse me, general I hate to interrupt but I've completed the analysis of the map and it's only a small part. It doesn't contain all the information we need to located Master Luke."

"I should have known. I was a fool to think that I could bring him back." Leia sighed.

"Leia." Han started to walk over to her to comfort her but she shook him off.

"Don't!" She said angrily.

"Don't what?" Han asked confused.

"Don't be nice to me." Leia replied stomping off angrily. However, Han didn't take the hint and followed her.

"Hay, I'm here to help." Han replied.

"Like you've ever been a help to anyone. Name one time you actually were useful. And don't say you helped with the Death Star." Leia retorted.

"Would you just listen to me?" Han pleaded with her.

Leia sighed. "I am listening Han." She replied irritatedly obviously not wanting to hear his excuses.

"Look, I wasn't planning on coming back. I know when you look at me you see him and it breaks your heart. That's why I left, why I stayed away." Han replied.

"Is that what you think? That I want to forget him? I want him back Han." Leia replied with a sigh.

"Leia, he's too far gone. He was always drawn to the dark side. He too angry all the time he just has too much Vader in him." Han replied.

"That's why I wanted him to train with Luke. I never should have sent him away. That's when I lost him. When I lost you both. Leia replied quietly.

"We both had to deal with the grief in our own way. I went back to the only thing I was ever good at. "Han replied.

"We both did." Leia replied.

"We've lost our son forever." Han said sadly.

"No, there is still good in him I can sense it. If anyone can bring him back its you." Leia replied.

"Me???" Han asked shocked. Han shook his head. "No, if Luke couldn't help him how can I?" Han asked.

"Luke is a Jedi but your his Father." Leia replied.

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