Kylo Ren is confused and seeks Snoke's help once more.

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"Lord Kylo, how can I be of assistance to you? Is your arm and side bothering you?" The medical droid asked in concern.

"No. I am here to check on the progress of the prisoner. Is she well enough to be moved?" Kylo replied.

"Although her condition has improved I do not recommend that she be subjected to any type of interrogation." The medical droid replied.

"Unfortunately, we can not afford to wait for her to be cleared for interrogation. We need the information now. Have her ready to be transferred to my quarters immediately." Kylo replied.

"As you wish sir." The droid replied with a sigh. "However, I must advise agents this course of action. Any serums you might subject her too might cause her permanent memory loss or possibly other serious medical conditions." The droid warned.

"Your objection is noted. If it will put your mind at ease you'll be happy to hear that I have no intention of subjecting her to any from of interrogation or truth serum." Kylo replied. "Leave us all of you." He ordered to everyone in the infirmary. A few minutes later Kylo took a unconscious Catherine to his chambers and laid her on his bed. Then he sat in the far corner of the room watching her as she dreamt. Perhaps he could focus his thoughts and read her mind through her dreams.

Catherine was dreaming of her life on Tattoine. Of Demon Cruix and his sons, of and Boba Fett and of Jabba. At first the dream was peaceful she sat as a young child between the two bounty hunters watching a pod race. Then of her visit to Jabba's palace and dancing for him his birthday. Then the dream changed dramatically and quickly turned into a nightmare. She was in the rancor pit but she wasn't looking up at a rancor but rather a giant strange mask was staring at her. She shrank back in fear as the hand of the giant creature in the mask reached down and picked her up. Within minutes she was surrounded by nothing but darkness and unhappy emotions. Feelings of fear, anger and hatred. A figure in a hooded robe stood off in the distance and her anger towards this stranger scared her. It was fierce and strong as if she desired to see the strange figure hurt. Catherine saw herself lunging towards the strange figure with her lightsaber and a few minutes later she realized that the figure was Luke Skywalker.

Catherine awoke from the dream breathing heavily as she sat up in the bed. Why had she dreamt of desiring to fight, hurt and possibly even kill Luke Skywalker? Why was she so angry at him in her dream? What had it all meant? Catherine looked around unsure of her surroundings. She wasn't in the infirmary but she also wasn't in an interrogation room or holding cell either.

Before she could even ask where she was a voice came out of the darkness. Deep and metallic and yet human. It sent chills up her spine. "You are in my privet chambers." Came a voice from the far corner of the room. Catherine looked to see the strange man in the mask that she had seen in her dreams. The one that without the slightest bit of movement had caused searing pain to surge through her body. She shrank back in fear and wrapped her arms around her legs curling into a ball.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" She asked sounding more like a small lost child then the strong confident young women he had met only days before.

"Are you afraid of me?" He mused surprised when she let out a small whimper tears beginning to form in her eyes. This was too easy. There was no sport in this, no challenge what so ever. He could easily read her mind and take from her that which he desired to know with very to no effort at all. He sighed and approached her and as he did she shrunk back in fear.

"Please don't huwt me." She whimpered again sounding like an innocent child putting her right thumb in her mouth as if it were some form of comfort. She shivered as he knelt down beside the bed.

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