Vader dies and everyone is reunited.

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Soon Vader is out of energy and almost falls in to the pit himself. Luke, Lita and Catherine grab him just before he falls and they all lay there there exhausted. He looks at them and gasping for breath asks "Am I forgiven now? For all I have done?" Luke, Lita and Catherine nod as they collapse by his side.

Meanwhile, on Endor Han and Leia are able to take down the deflector shield just in time so that the fleet will be able to blow up the Death Star. As sirens start sounding around them Luke, and Lita are struggling to carry their father who is weakening fast towards a imperial shuttle. Luke is still weak from his encounter with the Emperor and is barely able to support Vader.

"Luke, help me take this mask off." Vader says a Luke pauses to catch his breath.

Catherine and Lita shake their heads no. "Luke don't if you take his mask off he'll die." Catherine begs Luke. Luke pauses seeming hesitant.

"Nothing can stop that now. Please, let me look at you just once with my own eyes." signifying that Darth Vader is dead and he is Anakin Skywalker once more.

Luke nods and removes the helmet much to Catherine and Lita's dismay . "No, Luke what have you done?" Catherine groaned. Vader looks up at his children and sighs as he placed his hands on Lita and Catherine's cheeks.

"Your both as beautiful and as brave as your mother. I want you both to know that though I couldn't be the Father that you deserve I am grateful for the limited time we had together. Now, at last, I can die in peace for now, my life is blessed."

"Father, You will live, it's too soon, too soon to say goodbye. We've only just found each other. I can't let you die. There's has got to be a way to stop this from happening. Please, tell me what I have to do, I don't want to say goodbye." Catherine says tears forming in her eyes.

Vader smiles and quotes a line from his and Padme's favorite musical Les Miserables, "Yes Catherine, forbid me now to die, I'll obey, I will try."

Turning to Lita he smiles. "Remember to tell this story. About a man who turned from hating. A man who only learned to love while you were in his keeping." Lita nods as tears continue falling from her eyes.

Though he has said he will try to regain his strength and go with them she knows he was only saying that for her and Catherine's benefit. She knows that she's about to say goodbye forever.

Vader turns to Luke and whispers, "Luke, go. Take your sisters and go." He motioned to the shuttle that was only a few feet away.

"No, I won't leave you, your coming with us! I can't leave you here to die, I've got to save you!" Luke replies.

"Luke, you already have. Now go!" Vader insists. "Tell your sister you were right about me."

"Father we won't leave you." Luke insisted again but it was too late, Vader had already drawn his last breath.

Lita realizing that he has died moans. "no. Father, no. Please don't go. Please, come back. I need you. We need you."

"Lita, Catherine we have to go. It's only a matter of time before this whole hanger bay explodes."

"No, leave me here. Leave me." Catherine replies throwing herself across Vader's chest and sobbing.


"Just go Luke!" Lita replies.

"Absolutely not. I'm not going to leave you here. Father would never forgive me if something were to happen to you. Please, help me get our father's body onto the shuttle and let's get out of here." Luke begged. Swallowing hard both Lita and Catherine nod and helps Luke drag Vader's lifeless body onto shuttle. Once the shuttle has taken off Catherine just stares off into space. Her face void of all emotions. Lita goes to see if Luke needs any assistance.

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