Demon and his son's return

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"For what?" Kylo asked.

"For defending me. For not letting them take me." I replied.

"I didn't say they couldn't take you. I said they couldn't have you until I was done obtaining the information the Supreme Leader desires." Kylo replied. Yet deep down Kylo wanted nothing to do with Demon or his sons. In fact, he wanted to kill them for what they had done to her. Although he hated to admit it he did want to protect her. In fact if she were a child and Supreme Leader Snoke had allowed it he would have wanted to adopt her as his own.

He could tell that she was force sensitive. It was as if when she was her normal self she had been trained in the force or at least in the skill of how to fight with a light saber. He would discuss the possibility of teaching her the ways of the Darkside with the Supreme Leader. Kylo's thoughts were interrupted by my soft sniffles.

I groaned and sniffled fighting back tears. Kylo's comment had hurt my feelings but I wasn't about to let him know that. I sniffled again before responding. "I understand. I'm only here until you've gotten the information you require then I will no longer be of use to you. So what happens to me will be of little consequence." I sniffled again and dragged my wrist across my eyes wiping away the tears that were forming. I looked away from Kylo not wanting to show him the tears that were beginning to fall.

"The decision was not mine. If there was some way I could change the decision that's been made and stop it from happening believe me I would." Kylo replied with a sigh.

"But I thought that you were in control of this base?" I asked confused. "I want to stay here with you. Please..." I  said sweetly causing Kylo to sigh and rub his forehead. Upon seeing his response I began to whimper. "You don't want me do you?" I asked Kylo sadly. "I suppose I should be used to that. No one's ever wanted me and no one ever will." I replied no longer able to stop the tears from falling.

"Shhh." Kylo said soothingly. "Everything's going to be alright. I promise."

"Promise?" I looked up at Kylo confused. "But what if they try to take me? What if they..."

"Shhh." Kylo replied again soothingly. "Don't you worry about a thing. Just relax and get some rest. I shall have this whole situation resolved in no time." Kylo replied using the force to cause Me to go into a dreamless sleep. Once he was assured that I was asleep he closed the door behind him.

"What do you mean you won't release our slave to us?! Who cares what she says she is our property and we want her back now. Who's in charge here?" Demanded Dehak angrily.

"That would be me." Kylo Ren replied walking into the room.

"Who gave you the authority to refuse to release our slave?"

"The only thing you need to know is that when I've made a decision its final."  Kylo replied.

"Oh yeah? Well I want to speak to your supervisor!" Dathan demanded.

"No one is above me except the Supreme Leader himself. He doesn't have time for the likes of you." Kylo Ren replied.

Hux rolled his eyes obviously irritated and showing contempt for Kylo's statement by scoffing. "Some leader you are. You haven't been able to locate the droid who has the map to Skywalker in fact you allowed it to get returned to the resistance. Your obviously getting no where with the girl."

Kylo ignored Hux's statement and turned his attention to Demon and his son. "Would you mind telling us why you refuse to return our slave to us?" Dehak demanded folding his arms across his chest.

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