Kylo rescues Catherine

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Kylo POV

Upon arriving at the infirmary I stepped inside eager to begin my task of learning all that I could about this young woman. I was not happy with what I discovered. The girl was no where in sight.

"Droid, where is the captive that I ordered to be returned here for care?" I questioned.

"Captive sir? What captive?" The droid asked confused.

"The young woman who was brought in here along side me when we boarded the ship." I replied irritatedly. "Where is she?"

"Ah, you are referring to the young female resistance fighter yes? The last we saw of her was when the storm troopers dragged her out of here. I do hope that she is alright but as I warned them when they took her she was in no condition to be moved." The droid replied.

At this, I ignited my lightsaber and began slashing at anything and everything in close range to me.

"Sir, I must ask you to leave here immediately. We simply can't have you destroying precious supplies." The droid replied as officially as he could.

After glaring at the droid I lowered my lightsaber and snorted irritatedly. If the girl wasn't here then there was only one other place She might be, the interrogation room. "I'm going to kill that storm trooper! How dare he disobey my orders! The girl had better be ok. Or someone's going to pay!" I growled under my breath as I left the medical bay.

Catherine POV

Meanwhile, in the interrogation room Hux and Phasma once again found themselves unable to intimidate their prisoner. "I'm not going to ask you again, where is Skywalker's location?" Hux said with a growl for the millionth time.

"I told you, I don't know who or what you are talking about." I replied shaking my head.

"I tire of this game of yours. You were with the resistance fighters who had the bb8 unit that held the map to Skywalker. Since the bb8 droid showed the map to your companions it only makes sense that you'd have seen it too. Why don't you make things easier on yourself and tell us what we want to know?"

"I told you, I don't know what you are talking about. I don't know anything about a map. Who's Skywalker?" I asked genuinely confused.

"Thats it! I've had it! If you will not tell us what you know then you are of no use to us. It is with great disappointment that I issue this decree you are an enemy of The First Order and a threat and as such are to be executed. The sentence to be carried out immediately." Hux said with a sigh. " I really wish you had cooperated. It's a shame to see someone of such potential executed because of their stubbornness. Take her away," Hux said with a sigh shaking his head in disappointment. "Such a pity."

"I'm sorry, really I am but how can I be expected to know who and what you are talking about when I can't even remember my own name?" Catherine replied.

This comment enraged Hux and he immediately walked over to Me and screamed in my face "Liar!"

"I swear, I don't know who your talking about. Who is Skywalker? Why is he so important? What am I doing here?" I asked confused.

Hux responded by slapping Me across my face. The force of the blow was so strong that my head hit the back of the chair. "Take the prisoner to the detention cell to await execution."

As the Stormtrooper escorted me towards the detention cell area I was surprised to see Vader coming towards us. I shook my head and blinked. I had to be imagining things. Vader was dead. Just as he was about to reach our location I blacked out but I could still hear the conversation. "Where are you taking this girl?" I heard a familiar voice ask. A voice I thought that I'd never hear again. "I know what your thinking and we both know that's not possible. Vader is dead. He died years ago..."

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