Finding Luke at last. Luke is a cry baby

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Leia POV

"Our battle with The First Order has just begun." Leia said with a sigh.

"Kylo Ren said the first Order has it. At least most of it. They got it from the archives of the empire." Rey told the group.

"That would make sense. The empire would have located and destroyed all the temples when they wiped out the Jedi." I replied. "If only we had a map. Without Luke we don't stand a chance."

Suddenly, out of no where came the loud excited happy sound of whistles and chirps. A sound which hadn't been heard for years. "R2? Is that you?" C-3PO asked shocked to see his friend actually in working order. "Slow down. The map? To Master Luke? You have it in your archives? Praise the maker!" C-3PO replied.

A few minutes later, R2 was projecting the map in the air but a piece was missing. BB8 turned to Poe and made whistling sounds. "Yeah I still have it. Here." Poe said injecting the map piece that Lar Sen Tika had given them at the beginning of their journey. Then rolling over to where R2 was he projected his piece of the map and everything snapped into place. They stared in awe at the map a glimmer of hope in their eyes. At last they had a map to lead them to Luke.

"General, I need to go with them. I don't know why, but I feel as if this is something that I'm suppose to do. I know it's not what Catherine would want but it's something I have to do." Chrsitina said turning to Leia.

Leia smiled "knowing Catherine she'd have been right beside you insisting on going with you. I feel it too. You are destined to be a part of this journey to find Luke."

"Thank you. General for understanding." Christina said giving Leia a hug.

Chewie was checking to make sure everything was set and ready. "Good luck and may the force be with you." She called as the doors to the falcon closed.

"Chewie, we both know that this ship is easier to fly when it has two people. We know that I am capable of flying her." Rey said to Chewie who made a guttural sound and motioned for Rey sit in the pilots seat. In Han's seat. "Really?" She asked surprised that he didn't want the pilots seat himself.

"From what Catherine told me, Chewie has always been second mate." Christina replied. "I think what he's saying is that it just wouldn't feel right being in the pilots seat after all these years. Am I right?" Christina asked Chewie who nodded and let out a sad cry.

Several hours later, Rey and Christina found themselves landing on a planet filled with green and surrounded by ocean. The very planet that Rey and Chrsitina had so often seen in their dreams. "Ready?" Rey asked Christina who nodded.

"Ready." With that they began the long climb that lead to the top of the cliff overlooking the ocean. There at the top stood a man in a cloak his face hidden by the hood. Sensing them he lowered his hood and stared at them.

They stood for what seemed like an eternity no one saying a word. Rey finally made the first move reaching into her bag and pulling out Luke's lightsaber. She extended towards him her eyes pleading with him to take it.

He looked at her warily and then down at the lightsaber and then took it in his hands. Rey sighed in relief until Luke tossed the lightsaber over the cliff.

"What did you do that for?" Christina demanded angrily. "Do you realize what we had to go through to find you? And now that we have you won't even help? Catherine was right, you are selfish! Come on Rey, we are obviously wasting our time."

Luke looked at her confused. "Did you say Catherine?"

"Yes. Catherine risked her life to find and recover the map that lead us to you and you won't even help."

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