Catherine's training begins

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"So you know how to ignite a lightsaber so what? Do you know how to use it?" Kylo asked as I had closed the lightsaber and had placed it back in it's holster.

" Of course I know how to use it I just choose not too." I reply with a hint of irritation in my voice.

"Show me." Kylo demanded.

"If it's all the same to you I'd rather not Ben." I reply.

I soon found myself being dragged across the room and into Kylo's awaiting hand. He wrapped his hand around my throat tightening it so that I couldn't breath at all. "Don't you ever call me that again! My name is and will always be, Kylo Ren."

As my face started to turn blue and I gasped for air Kylo let go of his grip on me. "I want to get one thing straight right now, I am in charge and when I tell you to do something you are to do it! Do you understand?" Kylo demanded angrily.

"Yes." I replied through gritted teeth refusing to look him in the eyes or rather in the mask.

"You will address me properly! Yes what?" Kylo demanded forcing me to look him directly in his mask.

"Yes, I understand Kylo." I replied the irritation in her voice clearly showing.

"Thats Master Ren to you." Kylo replied irritatedly.

"I will never call anyone Master again not even you." I replied with a frown.

"I am a knight of Ren and a Master of the force. I am your superior in every way. You will address me with the proper respect or their will be consequences. Believe me, you don't want to know what those are."

I growled but didn't reply. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of hearing me call him Master. Those days of my life were behind me and that was the way I intended it to stay. Finally, I decided that it was best to answer him. "As you wish."

"Good. Then let's begin. We shall start your training by having you showing me what you know concerning one on one combat using different weapons including the lightsaber. Your goal is to defeat me by any means nessicary. We shall start at the count of 10. 1, 2,3,4. Your trying my patience choose your weapon!" Kylo warned as he watched I hesitated to pick up a weapon. 5,6,7,8,9,10. Ready or not here I come." With that Kyo turned around and while my back was turned he swiped kicked me from behind causing me to fall onto the mat. "You'll need to do far better then that." He replied with a humph."

"That's not fair! I wasn't ready!" I replied with a frown.

"This isn't a game Catherine! Your enemy's won't wait until you're ready to fight. They will attack you when you least expect it." Kylo replied.

As I stood up I glared at Kylo. "I'm not helpless you know! I will defend myself if I must but I prefer to pursue a non violent option when given the choice. I've found that violence often only cause more conflict. It is never a good option and neither is giving into your anger. Anger only cause more pain and suffering. It never makes you stronger. In fact, I find most of time that it has the opposite effect." I replied.

"That is the teachings of a fool!" Kylo replied frustratedly.

"It has always been my observation that giving into your anger only causes you trouble. Take Demon and his son's for example, they have always been quick to become angry. Quick to start a fight over the slightest thing always refusing to admit when they are wrong. Especially if they felt they'd been insulted. This resulted in them being given a reputation of being hot headed. No one wanted to hire them causing them to lose a lot of money among other things." I muttered remembering how Demon had lost her in a bet with Boba Fett. "And Why? All because of their stubbornness and pride." I replied.

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