Catherine's first test to prove her devotion is punish Jackie leeson

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As they walked through the halls of the base Catherine noticed several worried looks on employee's faces. Along with whispers of confusion. Who was this strange girl walking next to Lord Ren? Were the rumors true? Was she really Darth Vader's daughter? If she was then like Kylo, she wasn't to be messed with. She heard one employee whisper. She smiled at them momentarily and gave the employees a quick friendly wave hello as she passed by. That is until Kylo noticed that she wasn't keeping up with him.

Frowning he stopped and turned towards Catherine who was saying hello to a storm
trooper who was passing by. "Catherine quit dawdling we have things to do. I will not keep stopping every few minutes to wait for you to catch up with me. Time is precious and right now you are wasting mine. I don't like my time wasted."

One of the officers nearby snickered at this comment. "If you ask me Lord Ren doesn't seem to like anything at all." He whispered to the associate beside him.

Kylo froze in place if it was one thing that he hated it was being mocked. He whirled around and within seconds he was face to face with the associate who had snickered at him. "You mind sharing with me what was so funny?" He demanded of the officer who coward in his chair.

"I'm so sorry, Lord Ren, I didn't mean to... To..." Before the officer could finish his sentence he found himself in a choke hold.

"Apology accepted officer." Kylo replied as the officer fell to the floor dead. "Anyone else care to voice their opinions of me?" Kylo demanded and everyone shook their heads no. "Good! Then get back to work!"

"Why did you????"

"It is not wise my apprentice to show any form of compassion on this base toward these lower class associates. If you do they will walk all over you and you won't be respected or feared." He scolded her.

"I understand." Catherine replied. Instantly putting on a somber look that showed little to no emotion. "Where are we going?"

"I already told you where we are going. Don't ask stupid questions. They are a waste of time and you know I don't like my time wasted.

"Might I see Boba before we go? I haven't seen him since he fell into the Sarlacc pit nearly 30 years ago."

"I already told you that you may not see him until we you show me that you are dedicated to your training. By punishing Janice and Richard's daughter for her and her parents treatment of you. To clarify incase I have not made my instructions clear Janice Richards daughter is to die. How she dies of no concern to me but she is to die. I do not like repeating myself. Do not ask to see Boba again until you have completed your assigned task or their will be consequences." Kylo warned.

"As you wish." Catherine replied quietly lowering her gaze.

"We have arrived at our destination. Wait here. Master Ren what brings you here?" The head of the department asked worriedly.

"I need to speak with Jackie and Charity Leeson." Kylo replied.

"Yes sir. I'll have her report to you immediately." The offer replied and then he rushed off to locate Jackie.

"Lord Ren you wanted to see me?" Charity asked trembling as she stood before him.

"Yes. This is a new member of the First Order and She will inform you of why your presence was requested here." Kylo replied. With that he motioned for Catherine to approach.

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