Kylo acesses Catherine's memories of Janice and Richard.

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After chatting with Supreme Leader Snoke Kylo was now more then ever determined to discover the answers they sought. It didn't take him long to reach his quarters and upon entering them he found a sleeping Catherine. She looked so peaceful seeping in his bed it seemed almost a shame to interrupt such a peaceful sleep. Then a smile crept across his face as he realized he wouldn't have too. She had awoken at the sound of the his quarter doors closing.

Catherine awoke when she heard the sound of the room door open and close. She tried to hide the fact that she was awake but was unable to do so. "Ah good, your awake." Came that voice that gave her the shivers it was creepy and yet, seemed comforting at the same time. "Perhaps now that you've rested we can spend sometime getting to know one another."

Catherine didn't respond but Kylo could sense her response. "I don't want to get to know you, I don't want anything to do with you, you a monsta."

Kylo chuckled slightly "a monster? Hardly. Despite what you might think underneath this mask I am a human being. Granted a powerful one, but still just human. Would it make you more comfortable if I were to remove my mask?" Kylo asked and Catherine shrugged her shoulders. "Ok, if you don't care then I'll just leave it on." Kylo replied. You know, its too bad you don't want to get to know me. I was hoping we could become friends."

"How did you know what me was thinking?" Catherine asked starting to feel more intimidated by Kylo by the minute.

"I could sense your feelings towards me. Just like I can sense your fear of me. You are right to be afraid you know. I have the power to make your life miserable or even kill you. Or I could make your life easy but if you want nothing to do with me that's fine by me. It'll only make things more uncomfortable and harder for you." Kylo replied. "Now shall we begin?"

"What is you going to do to me?" Catherine asked beginning to tremble.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you , I just need a few answers from you is all." Kylo replied.

"Answas to what?" Catherine asked confused.

"Answers to a lot of things, for example, how did you come to fight for the resistance? Where did you come by this lightsaber? Then of course, there's the matter of the map to Skywalker. However, let's take this one step at a time and start at the beginning shall we? Why don't you come sit by me?" Kylo asked patting the chair next to him. "Don't worry, I don't bite." Kylo replied and feeling a little more relaxed Catherine sat down in the chair opposite Kylo. All right, let's start with an easy one, what is your full name?"

"Me not suwa. Me know me name is Cathewine but Me can't memba me last name."

"How old are you?" Kylo asked.

"Me.. Me can't memba. Dey is so many diffewent numbers in me head. Me don't know which one is cowwect." Catherine replied truthfully.

"Who are or were your parents?"

"Me don't memba dem at all. Me wish Me could but Me don't." Catherine replied.

Kylo sighed this form of questioning was getting him no where. " What is your connection to Luke Skywalker?"

"Luke Skywalkea? The name sounds familia but Me don't think dat me know him. Me wish Me could be of mowa assistance but Me don't memba much about my past. In fact, all Me memba is being on some kind of sta base and looking fowa someone. Me don't memba who owa why Me was looking fowa them Me just memba that Me was. Me memba an explosion and then waking up in the sick bay. Me sowwy but that's all me memba." Catherine replied.

"I had hoped to avoid this however, unfortunately, it seems I am left with no choice. I'm going to have to use more drastic measures to discover the answers." Kylo replied with a sigh.

"What do you mean?" Catherine asked backing away from Kylo.

" Sit down." Kylo demanded however, Catherine shook her head no. Using the force to pull her towards him he said again more forcefully "I said sit down." Kylo said frustratedly forcing Catherine to once again sit in the chair across from him. Using his force ability he made it so she was frozen in the seat unable to move.

"Let me go." Catherine begged to no prevail. "Please. Me alweady told you all that Me know."

"I know you have, but I have ways of obtaining the truth. I won't lie this will be painful but it seems we have no choice. I'm going to have to use the force to read your mind and pull your memories to the surface. Starting with the earliest memory concerning the identity of your parents. Don't try to fake memories because I'll be able to tell if your trying to mislead or hide something from me." Kylo warned.

"I won't try to hide anything fwom you. Befowa we begin can Me ask you something?"

"Of course." Kylo replied.

"Will you promise me you'll stop weading
Me mind if it's huwting me?"

"I can't not promise that, force mind reading is a painful experience. There is no way I can avoid causing you pain."

"No it's not that. What I meant was, will you promise to stop weading me mind if the memowies become to painful fowa me to handle?"

"I can make no promises however, if you do not fight me, I can promise that it won't hurt as much. Now let's begin I want you to focus on your earliest memory." With that Kylo reached out his hand extending it towards Catherine.

Catherine tried to focus on what Kylo had asked her but she couldn't access the memories. "Relax and concentrate let your mind wander from here. Let it take you back in time." She could here Kylo telling her in a relaxing and surprisingly soothing tone. She took a deep breath in and slowly exhaled and as she did she closed her eyes. "Dream of the your parents who were they?" Kylo questioned as Catherine slowly fell asleep.

Catherine's memories slowly came flooding back in the form of dreams. She dreamt of being brought to the imperial officer Richard and his Wife Janice's home. She dreamt of the lullaby Janice sang to her upon her arrival "nothing's going to harm you not while I'm around." Then came the memory of that horrible day when Janice realized that she was pregnant. Tears started streaming down her face as she recalled Janice telling her she was a worthless little brat a mistake who she never wanted or loved. That not only that but no one ever loved her not even her real parents and no one would ever love her. Kylo growled at this memory causing Catherine to awaken from her dream like state.

"I'm so sorry Catherine, that is something no child should ever have to go through that. No wonder you joined the resistance. We remind you of those horrible people who claimed loyalty to the Emperor. However, I can assure you that those who serve The First Order are nothing like those people." Kylo replied.

"Nothing can change the past what's done is done and yes, The Fiwst Owda is just like the Empiwa. Me alweady met membea of you gwoup who is exactly like Janice and Wichawd. So don't lie to me and say you is diffewent because you is not." Catherine replied with a frown.

Kylo sighed "if that's what You choose to believe that's your business. Let's get back to the interrogation shall we? There are many questions that still need to be answered." Kylo replied.

"Fowget it! Me am not going to help you. Me not going to tell you anything!" Catherine replied her frown deepening.

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