The plan and Catherine's interogation.

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Leia POV

"This is the Death Star." Admiral Ackbar said bring up a hologram of the Death Star. "This is what Finn has told us is called Star Killer Base." He said as he showed a hologram of the base. It's design was identical to the Death Star except that it was ten times its size.

"How can they power a weapon of such size?" The group murmured.

"It's power source is the planets core. It uses the sun to power it when the light is drained from the planets sun the weapon reaches its full capacity." Finn replied.

"We should study..." Before the pilot could finish his sentence Leia cut him off.

"Studying this weapon is a luxury we can't afford. We must destroy it while we can." I replied. "We will need a team." Leia began.

"I'll go." Finn offered without hesitation.

Han nodded "I'll fly him there."

"How are you going to get past their force field?" I asked.

"If I told you, you wouldn't like it." Han replied with his devilish smile.

"Ok. You get in and take down the force field and the bases power source and then our pilots will fly in and give it all we've got." Leia replied.

Snoke POV

Meanwhile, back on star killer base Kylo Ren, Phasma and Hux were standing before the hologram of Supreme leader Snoke. "She resisted you?" I questioned surprised and disappointed at the same time.

"She is no one of importance just a scavenger from Jakku but she is strong in the force. She just starting to realize her abilities." Kylo Ren replied.

"She was able to resist you because you are weak." Snoke replied his words cutting Kylo Ren like a knife and causing Hux to smile slightly. "What of this other prisoner?" I demanded of Hux and Phasma.

"She has been able to resist our strongest truth serum. She is extremely strong minded and strong willed. It's like she has skills beyond her years." Hux replied. "We have been unable to get anything out of her."

"I will see to her interrogation myself after our meeting Supreme Leader. Since the girl won't tell Hux what we want to know maybe I can convince her to talk. If not, I'll just take what I want by using the mind reading technique you taught me." Kylo replied.

"I doubt even you can break this girl." Hux replied. "After all, if you couldn't break a simple scavenger how could you possibly be able to break some one capable of wielding this?" Hux replied showing the lightsaber to Kylo and Snoke.

I recognized the lightsaber immediately. It had once belonged to Darth Vader. "We shall discuss dealing with this prisoner later. Right now we have more important things to discuss. What of the droid?" I questioned turning his attention once more to Hux.

"Ren decided the droid was of little consequence. That he could obtain all he needed from these girls. As a result, the droid is most likely in the hands of our enemies." Hux replied boldy.

"Have we located their base?" I asked Hux.

"We haven't located it's exact location however we were able to track a fighter to a remote system." Hux replied.

"Very good. Prepair the weapon we shall end this once and for all." I replied.

"Supreme Leader, I can get the map information from the girl I know I can all I need is your guidance." Kylo replied.

"We can't wait that long. This needs to end now. You once told me you would do anything to rid us of the resistance. Are you faltering in your promise due to some compassion for the girl or perhaps because you know your mother is on that base?" I demanded.

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