Wildest Dreams.

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A/N: Sooo i have decided to tackle the outcome of 3x10 since i am forever depressed lol. I am going to try and update this on a weekly basis but if it is longer i apologize... I am in the process of finishing up college!

Brandon's POV:

It's adoption day, the day the love of my life becomes my sister. Even after everything that happened at Idyllwild, she was still becoming a member of this family; like Callie always wanted. Now i am sitting on my bed thinking about what has happened over the past 72 hours. Going from winning the competition at Idyllwild, Callie & i having sex, and then coming home to find out that guess what Callie getting adopted. That very second became very silent, and beyond awkward, I went from having everything i ever wanted, being able to perform at Disney Hall, and Callie. Now all i have is Disney Hall. I guess the universe was trying to tell me something a long time ago; go with your gut but your head.

I hear a knock on my door so i get off my bed to answer the door. "Hey. Can we talk?" Mariana asked. "Sure." I grumble as she walks to my bed, and down. "Okay. I am just going to get to the point. You and Callie are both idiots. You both obviously still love each other, and i know you guys had sex at Idyllwild. So man up, and talk her out of being adopted." Mariana says. I am not sure what i am more shocked about, that she is giving me permission to talk Callie out of becoming her sister, or that she knows that we hooked up. "Mari.. I can't do that." I say as i begin to tear up. Mariana stands up and hugs me. "Yes you can Brandon. You two are meant to be together. For once in Callie's life she deserves happiness. Sure a family is great and all, but nothing compares to true love." Mariana says. "I hate it when you are right Mari i really do." I say. Mariana smile and begins to walk to my door. "You literally have two hours to work your magic Brandon before we have to go to the courthouse. So hurry up and figure out what you are going to say." Mariana says as she walks out of my room.

Mariana is totally right; i have to make a bold move to convince Callie to choose me. I may hate myself for doing this but the heart wants what it wants, and i want Callie. These two hours can make or break our future, and either way somebody is going to end up hurt. I just hope its not me this time.

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