Set Fire To The Rain.

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Callie's POV:

"Sophia can we please go home now?" I whine to my sister who has dragged me to every store at the mall at least twice. "Only one more store Cal then we can go. Come on!" Sophia says dragging me towards the one store we haven't been to yet. "Sophia Quinn why are you taking me to a fucking bridal store?" I ask her. "Because my beautiful sister I want to see you in a dress. You know just for fun!" She answers me with a grin on her face. "Sophia we don't have time for this today as knowing Mariana she's already at the house waiting for me." I sat to her. "Just one dress Callie that's all I'm asking. Please!" Sophia begs with puppy dog eyes. "Okay fine! One fucking dress then we will leave." I say walking into the dress store not even knowing where to start. "Hi can I help you find something?" The sales woman asked me. "Yes sorry. My sister is looking for a wedding dress." Sophia answers for me. "Well let me show you what we have." The sales lady says walking towards a rack. I follow behind Sophia and the sales lady, and immediately start to feel like I am going to be sick. "I can't do this." I mutter and run out of the store to get some air.

I'm not sure if it was my sister pressuring me to try on wedding dresses even though I'm not engaged or that I was just over being inside the mall all day, but standing outside in the warm San Diego sun I immediately feel way better. "Callie?" I hear somebody call me name, and I glance to see Mike walking towards me. "Hey Mike. What brings you the mall?" I ask him. "I am just picking up my phone from getting my battery changed. Back to school shopping?" He asked me. "Yeah I'm with my sister." I respond. Mike is looking at my facial expression, and I knew he  could tell I was hiding something. "Are you okay Callie?" He asked me. "Sophia has just upset me about something. I'll be fine though." I say to him. After I say that Sophia comes outside to join us. "Callie I'm sorry I did that." She says to me. "Sophia this is Mike. He's Brandon's dad. Mike this is my sister Sophia." I say. They both say hi to each other, and then my phone goes off; with a text from Mariana saying her, and Brandon were on there way to my house. "Mike I'm sorry but Sophia we have to go as Mari, and B on on there way to the house." I explain. "Well Mike why don't you come to our house for dinner?" Sophia asked him. "I don't want to intrude." He says. "You won't be. Mariana is coming too. You can meet my dad, and also spend time with Brandon." I say to him. "Okay sounds good. I'll come by after I pick up my phone." He says with a smile on his face. "Sounds good. We should go, but we'll see you in a bit." I say waving him, and start walking to my car.

Sophia and I get into the car, and begin our journey back to the house. "Callie. Are you mad at me?" She asked me. "Sophia I love you, but you need to stay out of my relationship with Brandon. Just because I said that I want to marry him one day; doesn't give you the right to drag me to a fucking dress store." I say to her. I glance over towards her, and see her nod her head in agreement. We sit in silence for the remainder of the drive home. I felt bad for be mean to Sophia, but she needed to stay out of it.

We arrive back to the house to see Brandon's car in the drive way, and a clearly overly excited Mariana sitting on my doorstep. "Oh gosh Mariana looks like she's going to burst into tears." Sophia says causing me to laugh. "She probably will to be honest." I say shutting the car off, and opening the door. "Callie! Oh my god ive missed you." Mariana says pulling me into a tight hug. "Can't. Breathe." I choke out causing Mariana to pull away from me. "Sorry. I cannot believe Sophia dragged you shopping without me." She says with a slight pout. "Oh yes it was loads of fun. Speaking of which can you help Sophia with the bags?" I ask her. "Sure." Mariana grumbles walking to the trunk of my car to grab some bags. I walk over to where Brandon was standing, and grab his hands. "Did you two buy the whole mall?" He asked me. "Almost did actually. I ran into your dad today. Sophia, and I invited him over for dinner." I tell him. "Where did you see my dad?" Brandon asked. "At the mall getting his battery fixed on his phone fixed." I say looking at him confused. "Oh okay." Brandon says kissing my hand; which causing me to smile. "We should bring the rest of the bags inside." I tell him dragging him behind me.

After carrying everything inside, and up into my room we find ourselves in the living room talking. "By the way Sophia we brought the pie." Mariana says. "Thank you." Sophia replies with a smile. "My dad just texted me asking for the gate code." Brandon says. "Mike's coming?" Mariana asked. "Yeah we ran into him at the mall. So i didn't want to be rude so Callie, and I invited him over." Sophia says. "I am going to wait for my dad outside. Be right back." Brandon says walking outside. "I'm going to wait with Brandon." I say getting up, and following Brandon outside. "Hey. Are you mad at me or something?" I ask Brandon while i walk over to where he's standing. "Of course i am not mad at you. I have no reason to be mad at you baby. I'm sorry if it came across like i was." He said me. "Then what is going on in your pretty head?" I ask him. Right before Brandon could answer Mike pulls into the driveway. "We'll talk about it later." Brandon says kissing my lips before Mike walks over to us. "Hey B how's it going?" Mike asked. "Not much. Let's go inside shall we?" Brandon answered him opening the door. Before walking inside i let out a loud sigh knowing that what Sophia asked Brandon this morning at breakfast was bothering him. I swear i am going to kick my sisters ass, well not really but at this moment i wanted too. 

I walk inside the house to see everybody in the living room talking about something. "Hey is it okay if i steal you Brandon away for a minute?" I ask them. "Sure." He mutters to me, and follows me out of the living room. We walk up to my room, because i knew nobody would interrupt us. "Speak!" I say as soon as we get inside my room. We stared at each other until i couldn't handle the silence anymore so i decided to speak. "I know what has you so rattled Brandon. I heard what Sophia asked you this morning, and believe me i am not happy with her." I say to hoping this will cause him to talk to me. "Yeah Sophia pushed me into answering her. I love your sister, but she is so much like Mariana it's scary." He says to me causing me smile. "You know she asked me the same thing today, and i slightly freaked out. Only because i never pictured myself married at all; then of course i met you, and that changed." I say to him causing Brandon to grin. "But it's way too soon for us to talk about this." I say to him causing Brandon to nod in agreement. "I agree. One day though i promise you i will ask you to marry me; so you better say yes." He says to me. "You bet your ass i will say yes because i love you." I say to him kissing him. 

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