Until you were gone

423 13 5

Callie's POV: 

Time goes by so slowly when you have a thousand different thoughts, and emotions going through your mind. I find myself sitting on bed in a ball trying to comprehend what has happened today. Mine, and Stef's conversation went good; but in the back of mind it felt fake. Stef is the queen of manipulation whenever she wants something. So why would she not take the opportunity to use mine, and Brandon's heartbreak to get what she wants? What Stef wants is to see Brandon, and I not be together; which i won't let happen. Suddenly i hear a knock on my bedroom door, and that breaks me out of my thoughts. "Callie? Can i come in?" My dad says outside my room. "Of course." I answer him. "So Sophia sort of filled me in on what has happened while i slept most of the day away. How did things go with Stef?" He asked me. "It was honestly so weird. It was like she put her anger she had towards me on the back burner, and we had an actual decent conversation. But as soon as she left Sophia said that it was a total act, and she is playing me." I say to him. "Ah well Stef is very good at manipulation. I know first hand that you don't get in her way  when she want's something." My dad says which catches me off guard. "What does that mean?" I ask him while looking confused. My dad clears his throat, and looks at me with a stern look on his face. "Do you really want me to tell you?" He asked me clearly trying to kill time. "Dad seriously just tell me please." I say losing all patience with this conversation. "Back when i was first trying to get custody of you; Stef found out that i had an affair, and she blackmailed me into signing the abandonment papers. She said if i didn't sign them she would tell Jill about my affair." My dad says. Just like that a major bomb has been dropped, and i felt my anger rise. 

How could Stef do something like that? Of course i know why; she likes to get her way, and control everything. But to blackmail my own father into signing away his rights because she was scared she'd lose me was a whole new level of control. "Why didn't you me this earlier?" I ask him after being silent for what felt like a long time. "Because i didn't see the need to tell you Callie. I thought officially being a member of that family was what you wanted." My dad says while i get off my bed. "Not under false pretenses; or how about that fact that she was so threatened by you that she had to blackmail you!" I yell at him. I walk over my closet, and grab my sweater. "Callie what are doing?" My dad asks me. "I am going to have a chat with Stef. Please don't try, and stop me okay?" I say walking out of my room. Once i am downstairs I grab my wallet, car keys, and phone. That i when i decide to call Brandon, and give him a heads up that hurricane Callie was one the horizon. "Hello?" He answers in a raspy voice indicating he was sleeping. "Brandon i am on my way over to your house. I just found something out about your mother, and Hurricane Callie was bubbling to the surface." I say as i turn my car on. "What did she do?" He asked me sounding more awake now. "Let's just say your mom is a master manipulator, and i have finally figured her out. I'll see you in 30 to 35 minutes." I say, and hang up the phone. 

My blood is boiling, and my anger was through the roof! How dare Stef blackmail my father, and think i would never find out about it. My phone started to ring, and i saw on my caller ID it was my dad calling. Not in the mood to talk to anyone as i was afraid i'd lash out at my dad; as he doesn't deserve to have Hurricane Callie attack him. The journey to Brandon's house was going by quicker then i thought, and i still had no idea what to say to Stef. All i know is i am going to not going to allow her to make me think I am crazy. Before i knew it I was pulling into the Adam-Foster's driveway, and suddenly i thought i was going to throw up. Be strong Callie you can do this. I thought to myself, and that is when i see the front door open. "Callie? What brings you by?" Stef asks me with a smug look on her face. "Well let's just i found something out about you that needs to be addressed." I say to her walking onto the porch. "Okay want to come inside?" She asked me. "Sure." I say, and follow her inside the house. "Want to sit?" She asked me. "What i have to say won't take long so i prefer to stand." I say to her. 

That is when i see Mariana, and Brandon walk down the stairs looking confused. "Ah hell." Brandon says quietly drawing Mariana's attention. "You were right B. Callie looks like she might kill mom, and it won't be pretty." Mariana says quiet enough for both Brandon, and I hear. "So Callie what is on your mind?" Stef asks. "I'll just cut to the chase as it's a long drive home. My dad told me that you blackmailed him into signing the abandonment papers so you, and Lena could adopt me." I say to her. Both Mariana, and Brandon gasp at the bomb i dropped. Stef just looks at me with a stunned look on her face. "Did you think i wouldn't find out? Because it almost worked if it wasn't for Sophia putting the idea in my head after your wonderful performance at my house earlier." I say shaking from the anger inside me. Brandon, and Mariana see that i am struggling so they grab my hands. "Callie come sit down." Mariana says. I nod in agreement, and walk over the couch while Stef stood looking shocked. 

"Mom is this true? Did you blackmail Robert into signing the papers?" Mariana asked. "Mariana this doesn't concern you." Stef answered looking pissed off. "Are you serious right now? This does concern the whole family! Especially Callie, and Jude!" Mariana yells. "I did it because i was scared the judge was going to give Robert custody of Callie." Stef says to us. "You missed a part of the story so I'll fill you guys in; it's a good story too.  Stef found out my dad was having an affair, and used that to blackmail him into the signing the papers. So he signed them to protect Sophia, and Jill. But i also think that she had another reason, and it didn't become clear until just now. I think you knew about my feelings for Brandon, and you decided to use the affair as a cover up so my dad would sign the papers. Wow okay i see it now; you were scared that if the judge gave Robert full custody you'd lose your control over me. You are sick!" I say standing up from the couch. Stef just glares at me; trying to soak in the information i just spilled. "Alright want the truth Callie? I'll give you the truth! When we found out about Robert being your birth father i had him investigated as a pre-caution. Callie i never thought you'd find out about this. I did it in your best interest you have to believe that." Stef pleads with me. "My best interest? No it was your best interest! The whole emancipation plan you came up with was just a fucking ploy to get me to stick it to my father! My mother never told him she was pregnant with me; so he missed out on 16 years of my life. And you were trying to do the same fucking thing as well. You were always threatened of him; you were scared of us bonding, and me actually having a relationship with him. Shame on you Stef!" I say to her, and get off the couch. "One last thing before i leave. I don't want anything to with you ever again. I will always be grateful for you, and Lena for showing Jude, and I what a real family is. And i am thankful for you adopting him. Congratulations Stef you just ruined our relationship for good." I say and walk out the house. 

When i get to my car I turn around to look at the house that was once mine. The house where i was shown what a real family is supposed to be like. Where i shared laughs, tears, and secrets with the people who i loved so much. Now it is the place where i never wanted to step foot into again. 

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