All We know

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Callie's POV: 

After an unplanned nap in the car my dad, and i finally pull into the driveway. I was finally home, and it felt amazing. "Callie we are home." My dad says as he opens car door. Instantly i feel a smile creep onto my face. My dad opens my door, and reaches out for my hand. "Here we go Callie." My dad says helping me out of the car. My dad grabs my crutches, and hands them to me. "I guess i better get use to walking with these stupid things." I grumble causing my dad to chuckle. "Yes well Callie it's better then a wheelchair so stop complaining." He says. Instead of answering him i just roll my eyes at him. "So i had the den turned into your temporary bedroom until you are strong enough to walk up the stairs. You get the amazing privilege of using the bathroom downstairs." My dad says while we walk into the house. "Great." I say sitting on the couch. "Sophia will be here soon, and i haven't told her that you are coming home." My dad says. "Oh boy! Sophia better not try, and jump on me." I say laughing. "She'll be on her best behavior Callie." He says to me. "Hey dad. Can i have my burrito please?" I ask him causing my dad to laugh. "Of course you do." He says handing me my burrito, and soda. Oh how i've missed real food, and Chipotle was the cure for anything. 

"How's your food Callie?" My dad asked sitting next to me on the couch. "Fucking delicious." I say shoving the rest in my mouth. "I bought you two by the way." He says. "You are seriously the best!" I say nudging him. After letting my food digest I start feeling tired so i start getting off the couch. "What are you doing?" My dad asks me. "I am feeling tired so i was going to go, and take a nap." I say to my dad. "Well alright i'll help you get into your bed, and i'll also grab your pain killers." He says helping me up. "Thank you dad. For everything you have done for me over the past few months." I say to him trying not to cry. "Of course Callie. You are my daughter, and i love you." He says to me causing me to smile. "Come on lets get you to bed." He says to me. 

My dad was right he turned the den into my bedroom, and it was beautiful. "Wow this does look like my bedroom; only somehow bigger." I say sitting down on the side of the bed. My dad helps me with getting my legs onto the bed, and to lay down. "I am going to grab you some water, and your pain pills. Be right back." He says leaving the room. I grab my phone to send Brandon a text message: 

Hurry up, and come home please. 

I hit send just as soon as my dad walks back in the room. "Here you go Cal." He says handing me the water, and pain pill. I swallow the pill, and take a sip of water before setting the glass of water on my side table. "Okay well i am going to let you sleep, and get some work done." My dad says to me. "Thanks dad. I'll see you when i wake up from my nap." I say closing my eyes, and quickly drifting off to sleep. 

I was in a dead sleep when i was awaken by someone stroking my cheek, and i knew who it was by the sparks i was feeling. "Good morning beautiful. I've missed you." Brandon says to me while kissing my cheek. "I've missed you too." I say to him placing my head on his shoulder as he was now laying right next to me. It was the moment i was wishing for; the moment i instantly felt safe. I was in my happy place who just happens to be with my soulmate Brandon Foster.  

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