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Brandon's POV:

Today has been the probably one of the most intense, emotional, and the best day i have ever had to deal with. After having my mom yell, and basically disown me outside the courthouse I find myself sitting on my dads couch trying to decide whether or not to just leave. AJ is currently living with me dad which means he has my old room. Currently i find myself laying on the couch trying to shut my mind off when my dad walks in the living room.

"We need to talk about this Callie thing B." My dad says to me. This should be a fun conversation get ready. "We have nothing to talk about dad." I grumble looking at my phone to avoid eye contact with him. My dad leans over to takes my phone, and sighs loudly. "Yes Brandon we do have something to talk about. You broke the law when you decided to see Callie while she was at Girls United. Oh and when you two decided to have sex you also broke the rules. What the hell were you thinking!?" My dad says which causes me to get angry. "Okay first off yes I violated the restraining order to see her while she was at GU, because somebody had too. You and mom were being overly dramatic when you placed that restraining order on me to begin with. And actually, when Callie and I slept together at Idyllwild moms weren't fostering her so we never broke the rules." I explain trying to keep my emotions in check.

My dad just stares at me, and i can see his mind trying to find the correct words to continue this conversation. "Plus what gives you the right to tell me who i can, and cannot be in love with?" I ask standing up. "Excuse me? Don't talk to me like that Brandon. If one of those girls were to tell somebody about you two sneaking around you BOTH would've been sent to juvie!" My dad says. "Yeah but we never got caught! I'm done with this conversation." I say, and i grab my keys and phone. "Where are you going?" My dad asks. "Someplace other then here." I grumble and slam the front door like a child.

I get to the car, and call the only person i needed to see at the very second... Callie. I dial her number, and hope she answers because i just need to hear her voice. Callie answers after 5 rings sounding like she was half asleep. "Hello?" She asks. "Hey babe i'm sorry to wake you." I say to her. "It's okay. What's up?" She asks me. "My dad, and i got into a fight so i left. Can i come to your house? I just really need to see you." I say to her. After silence for about one minute Callie finally says something. "Yeah sure. I mean i have to find the password to the gate, but i'll just text Sophia and hope she's awake. I'd wake up my dad but then i'd have to explain that its so you can come here." Callie explains.

"Thank you baby. Just text me the password, and i'll call you when i get to your driveway." I tell her. "Yeah okay. See you in 35 minutes." Shes says sounding awake. I hang up, and turn the car on and begin the long drive to Callie's new home. My phone beeps, and i see that Callie texted me the password for the gate. This whole gated community thing is going to be an adventure just to see Callie. About 15 minutes into the drive my phone starts to ring; it was my dad so i just ignore it not in the mood to deal with him again.

Finally I arrive at the gate; i punch in the password, and wait for the gate to open to let me inside. I can feel my excitement bubbling inside me; only i few more minutes, and i'll get to finally hug the most beautiful girl on the planet. After a long 4 minute drive to the Quinn's house i finally drive into the driveway. I grab my phone to text Callie that i am outside:

Brandon: I'm here. Outside.

I hit send, and wait for her reply which only took 5 seconds to get one.

Callie: I'll be down in 2 minutes.

Suddenly i see the light from inside the house turn on which means that in a matter of seconds i'll see Callie. I hear the door open, and i turn around and see her standing in the doorway in her pajamas looking so cute i couldn't help but smile. "Hey." She says to me with a giant smile on her face. "Are you just going to stand there or are you going to give me hug?" Callie asks me with her arms out waiting for me to accept this embrace. That causes me to laugh as i pull her towards me, then i felt like i was finally home. "I've missed you." I say to her causing Callie to laugh. "Brandon it's only been a few hours." She says to me. "I know but still. It's been the longest day in the history of days." I say to her. Callie pulls away, and looks into my eyes with such love and happiness. "You should come inside, we can watch a movie or something." Callie says. I nod, and follow her inside. The house looks bigger since the last time i was here. Callie abruptly stops. and turns to face me. "Go up to my room, and i'm going to grab from food. You'll know which room is mine." She says and walks towards the kitchen.

I quietly walked up the stairs to Callie's room; i take my shoes off and sit on her bed. Few minutes later Callie walks in with food, and water. "My dad ordered enough food earlier to feed a small army so we have a lot left over." She says while sitting the tray on the bed, and crawls beside me. "So I don't really want to bring this up, but i am going too. What did you and Mike fight about?" Callie asks. "It wasn't really a fight. But it was about you, and our relationship. Past and present." I say glancing towards Callie who simply nods her head. I knew exactly what she was thinking at that moment.

"This isn't your fault so stop thinking that. My mom will come around, same with my dad." I tell her. Callie just nods, and grabs her laptop from beside her bed. "Choose a movie, Mariana put a bunch on there so i am sure they are chick flicks." Callie says. Of course Mari only watches girly, and cheesy movies. "Hmm... how about Silver Linings Playbook?" I suggest. "Sure. It's one of the only movies on here that are worth watching." Callie says taking her laptop from me. "Oh before we start the movie, Sophia told me to tell you that she says hey. And i wanted to tell you that I love you." Callie says and kisses me softly. "I've been waiting all day to do that by the way." She says with a smile on her face. "I'm glad you did, and i obviously love you too." I tell her. Callie turns the light off, and snuggles into my side, and starts the movie.

A few minutes into the movie i hear Callie snoring softly which causes me to lightly chuckle. She is the cutest even she is sleeping. I turn the movie off, and shut her laptop and put it on the table next to me, i did the same with the food we had earlier. I slide down on the bed; trying to not move too much so i don't wake her up again; i pull Callie closer and drift off to sleep.

A/N: Song at the beginning is called: Washington by Evan Roman. It's the song that plays at the end of 3x08 if you were wondering lol. Follow me on social media: LackCityBitchhh on twitter, instagram & tumblr.

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