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The entire drive to LA all i could do was go over in my head the words i was going to say to Jude. Jude was the most important person in my life, and just the thought of breaking his heart makes me want to not say anything. But of course he'd know something is wrong when I'd drop him off at the Fosters house, and drive back to the gated community that is now my home. The drive to LA was long, dragging, and painful. My mind was running, and i felt my anxiety begin to climb. I decide to pull into a gas station 10 minutes away from Jude's camp to calm down a little. Deep breaths Callie, deep breaths you can do this. I kept repeating this over, and over again until i felt myself calm down enough to drive. I arrive at the camp with 10 minutes to spare. I pull into a parking spot, and call my dad to let him know that i arrived safely. After hanging up with my dad my phone starts to ring; checking the caller ID it says that it's Brandon. "Hey I just got here." I tell him as i open the car door. "Yeah i was just going to leave you a message; I hope everything goes better then you think." Brandon says to me. "Yeah same here. Look i should go, but I'll come by your dads as soon as i drop off Jude." I say to him locking my car. "Looking forward to it babe. Love you." He says to me causing me to smile. "I love you too." I say hanging up. "Callie! What are you doing here!?" Jude asks me while running towards me.

"Hey bud. I missed you so much so I decided to pick you up. Did you have fun?" I ask him while pulling out of our hug. "Yeah i had a lot of fun. We went hiking, and canoeing, and had campfires." Jude says getting into the car. "Who's car is this?" He asks me. "Uh mine. Robert bought it for me for my birthday." I tell him slowly backing out of the parking lot. "Oh well that is cool. That means you, and Brandon don't have to argue over his car." Jude says. Just the mention of Brandon's name made me have major anxiety. Just tell him Callie, he'll understand I thought to myself, trying to calm down. "Look Jude i need to tell you something. Something that'll make you very upset, but you need to remember that i love you." I tell him waiting for an answer from my brother. "Callie, what is wrong? Did your adoption not go through again?" Jude asked me. "You can say that. Look; my social worker had to interview some of the girls from Girls United about the restraining order, and Carmen told the social worker something about my relationship with Brandon." I tell him glancing over to see his facial expression. "So the social worker didn't recommend your adoption? So Brandon screwed this up once again!" Jude says in a loud voice. "Brandon didn't screw this up Jude. I did, because I realized that it was basically the universe telling me something. It was telling me that I am meant to be Brandon for the rest of my life, and I am sorry that we weren't adopted by the same family." I explain to him trying not to cry.

We sat in silence just watching the road, I can feel Jude's mind trying to find words to say to me. "Jude please say something. What are you thinking?" I plead with him. "Callie, you are the biggest idiot I have ever met. You gave up an entire family for some guy, who will probably get sick of you in a few months!" Jude said to me with nothing but anger in his voice. His words hit me like a ton of bricks, and they made me angry. I pull the car over, and turned to Jude. "Hey! You better watch it Jude. I have done nothing but protect you ever sense mom died! I got thrown into juvie for you, and i risked mine, and lets not forget Brandon's life to rescue you from our former foster father." I say to Jude feeling tears form in my eyes. "And this is supposed to mean what? Why do you have feelings for that guy? He has done nothing but screw everything up for you!" Jude says to me. I couldn't hold my emotions inside anymore, the tears began to fall. We once again sat in silence watching the traffic drive past us. "Can't you just go to the social worker, and say Carmen lied?" Jude asked me. I let out a small chuckle before answering. "Yeah no i can't because i confirmed it. I told the social worker everything about my relationship with Brandon. Stef, and Lena now know too." I explain to him. "Where are you living now?" Jude asks with sadness in his voice. "I'm living with my dad until graduation." I say to him. "Well does this mean that you are two are dating now?" Jude asks. "Yes we are dating, and we are more then happy. So Jude you need to respect my decision because for once in my life i've done something for myself." I tell him turning my car back on, and beginning to drive back to San Diego.

"I don't have to be best friends with Brandon do i?" Jude asks after a few minutes of silence. "No you don't have best friends with him. But could you be nice?" I ask him with nothing but hope in my voice. "I'll do my best Callie. I'm still pissed at you, but you seem happy so i'll let it slide. Can I ask you something though?" Jude asks me. "Of course you can. Ask me whatever you want bud." I tell him. "Have you, and Brandon hooked up?" Jude asks me. That wasn't the question I expected to hear from my little brother. "Yes. We hooked up at Idyllwild which was part of the reason I chose to not go through with the adoption. I showed up at the courthouse planning on telling the judge about everything to begin with." I explain to him. "Did Stef, and Lena kick him out?" Jude asks. "Yeah they did. Temporary of course, but he's staying at Mike's." I tell him glancing at him trying to see his expression. "How is that going to work? You know with AJ living there, and Brandon not liking him." Jude says to me. "Well they have to get over it as B has nowhere else to go." I say. "You told Brandon about kissing AJ right?" He asks me causing me to sigh. "Well he already knew, but i did confirm it because I should've told him to begin with." I say to him, turning off the San Diego exit.

"Will Robert let me spend time with you at your house?" Jude asks me. "Of course bud. He loves you, so does Sophia. Whenever you want to come, and see me just call me; and I'll be there. But make sure you ask moms first, as they don't like me at the moment." I say to him causing Jude to laugh. The tension that was once in this car was no longer. It made me smile because Brandon was right, Jude was going to understand. It didn't take as long as i thought either; only an hour and a half to be exact.

We drive onto the street that use to be mine, and pull into the driveway. "Thank you picking me up Cal. I mean it sucks we won't be living together anymore, but as long as you are happy; and won't wake up in a few months wondering what could have been then I support you." Jude says leaning over to hug me. "Thank you Jude. I love you so much, you will always be my number one guy." I tell him kissing his cheek. Jude opens the car door, and takes his bag and steps out. I watch as Jude walks into the house; and i just sit there watching the house like a creep. I knew i had to do talk to somebody, but the person i wanted so desperately to speak to doesn't want to talk to me. After sitting in the driveway for 10 long minutes, I decide to drive away from my former house.

I drive to Brandon's dads house, and grab my phone to call him that i am outside. I wasn't in the mood to deal with his dad, or AJ for that matter. "Hey babe where are you?" Brandon asks me. "I am outside your dads house. I'm not really in the mood to see anybody so do you want to come somewhere with me?" I ask him. "Yeah i'll be down in minute." He says to me. "Thank you babe, see you in a minute." I tell him while hanging up. I am clearly stuck in my own thoughts as the knocking on my window brings me out of them. I glance over, and see B looking at me waiting for me to unlock the door. "Hey baby." He says to me as he gets into the car. "Hey. Sorry I just didn't feel like facing Mike tonight." I say looking over at him. "It's not Mexico again is it?" Brandon ask me causing me to laugh. "No we learned our lesson the first time. I have no idea but I want to spend one night with you without drama. After everything that happened today, and the roller coaster Jude put me on I just need to do something reckless." I tell him with hope in my voice. "I have a place we can go, I'll give you the directions." Brandon says, and I get the biggest smile on my face. I lean towards him, and we share a kiss. "I missed you today by the way." I say to him in a small voice. "Same here." He says to me while running his thumb over my cheeks.

"So we should go before somebody notices us sitting out here." I say to him turning the car on, and throwing it in drive. I wasn't exactly sure where we were going, but i was just excited to spend time with him alone.

A/N: So here is the conversation with Jude. It wasn't exactly how i planned it, but it seems way more realistic.

Song at the beginning is called: Airwaves by Brett Kissel so check it out as he is amazing!

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