Never fading out.

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Callie's POV: 

After about 45 minutes i finally got Mariana out of bed, and fed her breakfast. Now we are on our way back to Stef, and Lena's house. "You could've let me sleep longer you know." Mariana grumbles while playing with my iPod trying to find a good song. "By the way you need better taste in music." She grumbles once again. "Mariana, seriously cut the attitude." I say to her. We sit in silence until i recognize the song that came on my stereo. "Wait? Is this Brandon?" Mariana asked me. "Yes it is. This is Outlaws." I say glancing at her. "But why isn't Lou singing with him?" Mariana asked sounding confused. I let out a sigh while finding the words to say to her. "Brandon didn't write this song for Lou. He wrote it for me." I say to her while glancing at Mariana. "So wait; my brother wrote you a love song?" She asked me causing me to chuckle. "Yes he did. When i was at Girls United, and planning to go into Independent Living we met up at Daphne's apartment, and he sang it to me." I say smiling at the memory of that day. "Wow! My brother is pretty great." Mariana says replaying the song. We continue the drive to Mariana's house; while listening to music. I could tell that Mariana was skipping Someone's little sister songs i had on my iPod because they reminded her of Mat. Well pull into the driveway, and i shut the car off. "Does Jude know you were coming today?" Mariana says reaching into the back seat to grab her bag. "Brandon told me that he told Jude this morning." I say opening the door, and closing it. "Thank you for letting stay at your casa last night. We should make that a weekly thing. Just us girls hanging out." Mariana says to me with a smile on her face. "Sure." I say hugging her. Mariana pulls away from our embrace, and opens the front door. "Moms! Callie, and I are here!" She yells putting her bag down by the front door. "In the kitchen Miss Thang!" Stef yells back. 

I follow Mariana into the kitchen to at least make myself feel more comfortable around Stef even though we haven't talked since i yelled at her. "Good morning Callie." Stef says to me. "Morning!" I say with some enthusiasm. "So Mariana how was the sleep over? Did you keep Callie awake all night?" She asked. "Between Mariana, and Sophia i barely survived to be honest. They hogged my bed, and Mari was snoring." I say to her causing both of them to laugh. "I didn't mean to answer for you by the way Mari." I say. "Don't care. Is anyone using the shower?" Mariana asked. "Brandon was in there 15 minutes ago so i'd knock before walking in." Stef explains while Mari nods and walks up stairs. "Is Jude home?" I ask after an awkward silence. "Lena took him shoe shopping. They weren't sure when you were going to be here, but they should be back in a little bit. Just hang out, and wait." She says sitting across from me at the table. After 10 very uncomfortable minutes of silence i came up with an excuse to go upstairs, and find Brandon. "How did you not come, and find me." I say to Brandon when i walk into his room, and find him sitting at his keyboard. "I thought you were with Jude." He says to me while i sit on his bed. "He's not here. Lena took him shopping for shoes." I grumble bringing me legs into my chest. "Was talking to my mom that bad?" Brandon asked me. "We didn't talk at all. Not one word after Mariana came up here to shower." I say causing B to come, and sit next to me. 

"So how about you come with me, and start a conversation with your mom for me?" I ask him. Brandon sighs, and stands up from the bed. "Sure." He grumbles causing me to laugh, We walk downstairs, and see that Stef is sitting outside on the deck. I take in a giant breath, and walk outside after Brandon to find something to talk to Stef about. "So Callie; i was going to ask you if your dad, and Sophia were going to come to Brandon's performance?" Stef asked me. "I mean Brandon said he was going to try, and get them seats." I say to her. "Well hopefully you can find them tickets B." Stef says. "So did Mike tell you what happened last night?" I ask her. "Yes he stopped by this morning, and Callie I don't expect you to apologize to him." Stef says to me, "Wait Mike wants an apology? He embarrassed me in front of not only dad, but also my sisters! So no i am not apologizing to him!" I say standing up, and walking inside the house to calm down. When i sit down in the living room i hear the door open, and see Jude walk in. "Callie!" He says walking towards me to pull in for a hug. "I've missed you bud." I say to him. "Missed you to Cal." Jude says sitting next me. "Hey Callie. Where's Stef?" Lena asked me. "Stef, and Brandon out back. Mariana i think is napping upstairs." I say to her causing Lena to walk towards the kitchen. 

"So Jude, i am kidnapping you today." I say to him causing him to smile. "Just us or Brandon too?" Jude asked me. "It's up to you Judicorn." I say to him. "Can it be just us?" Jude asked me, and i nod in agreement. "Well we should go, and tell moms that we are going somewhere." I say standing up, and following Jude out back. "Hey mom is it okay if Callie, and i go somewhere for awhile?" Jude asked them. "Of course bud you can go. Have fun! Oh Callie; you should stay for dinner tonight." Lena says. "Sure. I'll ask my dad, but i am sure he'll say yes." I say to her. "Ready to go Callie?" Jude asked looking excited. "Of course bud; we'll see you guys later." I say walking back into the house. "Hey bud why don't you go wait in the car. I'm going to talk to moms for a second." I say to him; Jude nods then heads out to my car. I walk back outside to where moms, and Brandon were sitting. "Hey. I just wanted to say that thank you for letting me spend the day with Jude. And for being the best moms ever." I say walking back inside, and towards my car where my brother is waiting. 

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