Inside out.

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Callie's POV: 

I was awaken by the sound of my phone ringing, and hoping it was Brandon. Grabbing my phone I answer without looking at my caller ID. "Brandon?" I say without saying hello. "No sorry Callie it's not Brandon it's Stef." She says to me. "Okay? Brandon isn't hurt is he?" I ask starting to freak out. "Well physically he's okay, but emotionally he's not. He told me what happened, and i am so sorry Callie. Look i am on my way to your house right now, and i love to talk to about this in person. Is that okay? I am willing to turn around if it's not." She says to me. "No it's okay come on over." I say to her getting out of bed. "See you in awhile Callie." She says hanging up. Holy shit what am i getting myself into? Conversations between Stef, and I usually end in me getting pissed off. Walking out of my room I walk downstairs to see if my dad is awake, and to make coffee. Walking into the kitchen I find Sophia sitting at the counter on her computer. "Morning again Sophia." I say to her. "Good morning Callie." Sophia says. Getting the coffee pot ready I stand in front of where Sophia was sitting deep in thought. "Callie you are freaking me out. What's going on?" She asked me. "Stef called me this morning because Brandon went home to tell her about the miscarriage. Now she is coming over here, and i don't know what the fuck is going to happen." I say to placing my head on the counter. "I am sorry Callie. How do you think this is going to go?" She asked me. "I have no idea to be honest." I say to her. "Why don't you call Brandon, and ask how it went?" Sophia asked me. "Because i am sure he's sleeping. He deserves space to absorb what has happened over the past few days." I explain to her. Sophia nods in agreement, and drops the conversation. Grab my phone, and decide to text Brandon as i was worried about him. 

Callie: Hey. Are you aware that your mom is coming here to talk to me?  

I hit send, and wait for his response. "Callie you need to relax okay. If Stef gets out of hand i'll kick her out as you don't deserve that especially right now." Sophia says to me. "Thank you Sophia. I am so sorry for treating you like shit over the past week." I say reaching across the island to grab her hand. Sophia puts her hand in mine, and we stare at each other for a few minutes until my phone rings. It was a text from Brandon, and my moment with my sister was over. 

Brandon: Why is she coming to your house? I'm going to call you. 

Two seconds later my facetime goes off, and I walk out front to answer. "Hey." I say sitting on the front porch. "Hey. So why is my mom going to your house?" He asked me looking so tired, and sad. "I am not sure. But Sophia is going to stay with me during the convo to make sure Stef doesn't yell at me." I say to him. "That is good. My mom was actually understanding, and sympathetic this morning when i told her." He says. "That is good baby. Did you tell Lena too or just Stef?" I ask him. "Just my mom." He says. Then i see a car pull into the driveway, and i see that it is Stef. "Your mom just pulled into my driveway. I'll call you after she leaves." I say standing up off the porch. "You better. I love you." He says causing me to give him a small smile. "I love you too." I say, and end our call while walking over to Stef. "Was that Brandon?" She asked me. "Yes it was. I was just worried about him, and decided to call." I explain standing in front of Stef. "I can make us some coffee if you want to go inside. My dad is still sleeping surprisingly so it's just Sophia, and I awake." I say to her. "Coffee sounds good." Stef says causing me to nod, and lead the way into the house. "Everytime i come here this house looks bigger." Stef says causing me let out a small laugh, "I agree with that." I say in response. We walk into the kitchen where Sophia was still sitting at the island looking at her phone. "Have a seat Stef, and I'll make the coffee." I say catching Sophia off guard. 

"Hey Stef." Sophia greets while i can feel her eyes on the back of my head. "How are things Sophia?" Stef asked. "Things are okay. I have a riding competition next weekend, and trying to decide if i want to play field hockey this season." Sophia says catching me off guard. "Field hockey? Since when?" I ask her. "Since Spencer from PLL plays." Sophia says rolling her eyes at me. "Right. Well the coffee is ready," I announce, and pour myself a cup. "Want to talk out back Stef?" I ask her glancing at Sophia. "Sure sounds good. I'll just grab a cup of coffee, and I'll see you outside." She says, and i walk outside. Sophia follows me out back, and sits next to me. She takes my head, and i immediately relax. "Don't worry Callie i won't leave your side unless you tell me to got it?" She says to me. I nod, and smile at her. Sophia maybe nosy as fuck, but she was the best sister ever. Just don't Mariana i said that or she'll scratch my eyes out. 

Stef walks out, and sits in the chair across from us looking confused. "I hope you don't mind, but i would feel more comfortable if Sophia was here just in case we get into an argument." I explain to her. "Of course." Stef says. "So what exactly did Brandon tell you?" I ask starting the conversation. "He said you suffered a miscarriage, and that you two were having a hard time  dealing with it." She said to me breaking my heart. "That is pretty accurate. Did he tell you how far along i was?" I ask her looking towards Sophia. "No he didn't. Why how far along were you?" She asked me causing me to wipe away a tear. "I was seven weeks. Which means i got pregnant at Idyllwild; so i think that is why i am such a hard time dealing with this." I say bringing my knees into my chest. "Aww Callie honey this isn't something you just get over. You both are struggling with it, and that is normal. Lena, and I are still dealing with losing Frankie. You have to lean on each other, and not shut each other out or it'll tear you apart." Stef says walking over to where i was sitting. I stand up, and allow her to pull me into hug. 

After a few minutes I start to pull away from our hug as I needed to end this before i completely break down. "Thank you for understanding." I grumble, and sit down again. "Of course Callie. Look i am not completely heartless, and bitter. When my son calls me early in the morning on the verge of tears; you put those emotions on the back burner, and comfort them." She says. "Well thank you for being there for him. He was so scared to tell you about this so thank you for protecting him." I say, and Sophia wraps her arms around me. "Of course. I want to be here for you both so if you ever want to talk things you are always welcome at the house." Stef says. "Thank you." I say to her once again. "I should go home as Lena isn't happy about me not telling her what is going on." Stef says standing up, and gathers her stuff to leave. "I'll walk you out." I say to her. "It was good to see you again Sophia." Stef says to Sophia. "Likewise." Sophia says picking up her phone. I roll my eyes at her, and walk inside. "I meant what i said Callie, If you need someone to chat with our door is always open okay?" She says to me. "I'll possibly take that up with you." I say to her. Stef waves at me, and walks to her car. I close the door, and walk back to the kitchen to grab my phone. 

"Callie you aren't buying that crap she just told you did you?" Sophia asks me. I groan, and put my head in my hands. "Sophia i don't know what to think okay. I just need time to process this whole thing before i drive to that house, and get brainwashed." I say sighing loudly. "Alright just she seemed way to calm, and very convincing. My mom is coming to get me so i am going to get ready. You should call Brandon, and let him know about the conversation." Sophia says walking upstairs. Grabbing my phone I call Brandon on facetime, and of course he answers on the second ring. "Hey baby how'd it go?" He asked me. "Well she is very convincing, and Sophia isn't buying it one bit. I am starting to think she has a point." I say. "Well i am just waiting for Mariana to be done in the bathroom then i am going to get ready then comeback to your house." He says making me smile. "I am looking forward to that B." I say causing him to smile as well. "I love so much Callie." He says to me. "I love you so much too." I say then end the call. 

I will forever love him inside, and out. 

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